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1974 Porsche 911S

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  • Benwalsh91
    really can't wait to see whats to come from this little car. great choice in a narrow body!

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  • SebastienPeek
    I finally got around to fitting the Stance|Works license plate holder I got from Andrew last Saturday this morning.

    IMG_0075 by Sebastien Peek, on Flickr

    Also sorted out the oil issue. It seems that I was running very low. Now though, all is good. The lower valve gaskets definitely need to be replaced as the oil is leaking onto the exhaust headers and causing a bit of smoke when stationary. I also want to get the turbo valve covers, finned for better cooling.

    Anyway, some more photos due to the last update being just a big ass chunk of text.

    IMG_0076 by Sebastien Peek, on Flickr

    If you look closely, you'll see that I am missing lug nuts. When test fitting the next set of wheels, we had to get the lock nuts off. I have ordered a set of black ones from Pelican Parts, so they will hopefully arrive this week. You can also see that the engine lid is a little off, and that the tail light seals should probably be replaced. All things that will be organized as quickly as possible.

    IMG_0079 by Sebastien Peek, on Flickr

    I seriously love the street I live on, it definitely photographs well. Hopefully there are some more changes on the way for the Porsche, I would love to get her about an inch and a half lower before installing the next set of wheels and deciding on the tire setup, just so I know exactly where I stand.

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  • SebastienPeek
    Alright, quick little run down of what occurred on the weekend.

    Went down to Khalil's work (his boss, Mickey, is a champ), took a look under the car, put together a list of all the bushing I need to replace and replaced the distributor cap, spark plugs and points. What I didn't realize is these three little things would cause so many dramas.

    It seems the distributor cap wasn't for my distributor and driving on the way back to the SWHQ, actually wobbled itself loose so I had zero power. I babied the Porsche on the freeway for a little while, got back to the shop and started to look over what had gone wrong. Having Cory there was a blessing and thankfully, I called Byron to get the original cap back out of the trash and bring it down to the shop.

    We got the old cap back on and it was still running like ass as soon as I got over 2000rpm. This was when we ran through everything, re-tightening the spark plugs and then checking the points. I had, mistakenly, gapped the points on a high spot, so the gap was way out. Once Cory and Byron fixed my little fuck up, I was good to drive around the block.

    Got around it absolutely fine, pushing her a little bit here and there to get the revs up around 5000rpm to see if there was any hesitation. Nothing, so I was good to head back up to WeHo. As I was driving along sitting around 3000rpm in fifth on the freeway, I noticed every now and then the oil pressure light would pop on. Thinking nothing of it (we fiddled with some wiring so I figured it was just a loose connection) I got home.

    This morning, when starting the Porsche up, the oil pressure light wouldn't turn off. The weird thing is the pressure gauge is still sitting exactly where it sat previously. So I turned off the engine, took a look at all the wiring and it there were a few wet connections (from the rain and lack of car cover). I figure this is the problem.

    Anyway, last night I emailed Dorian of DV Mechanics out here in Los Angeles if it was possible to bring the car to him for him to go over mechanically and give me a point in the right direction when it comes to maintenance and improvements. I'm hoping with Dorian's direction I can improve this car ten fold when it comes to it's driving experience.

    Oh, I also test fitted some wheels and have agreed to purchase them. New wheels inbound, new tires, and Dorian will probably tell me in two weeks I need a motor.

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  • philohlean
    Definitely in for this, always something special about an air-cooled 911. Glad to see you're bringing the maintenance up to date.

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  • SebastienPeek
    First parts haul today, spent a good $250 on getting some maintenance things as well as some other tidbits.

    IMG_0027 by Sebastien Peek, on Flickr

    List of parts are as follows, maintenance wise.
    - Valve cover kit, includes 2 Upper, 2 Lower Gaskets, Cover Nuts and Washers
    - Sump aluminimum sealing ring
    - Sump drain plug
    - Fuel filter
    - Distributor rotor
    - Distributor cap
    - Ignition Contact Set (Points)
    - Oil Filter
    - Super Plus WR-4-CC Spark Plugs

    Extras I grabbed
    - 2x Wiper Blades
    - Breather Hose - Tank to Air Filter (previous was completely missing)
    - Washer Reservoir Cap
    - Adhesive Pad for Interior Mirror (the adhesive glue kept failing)
    - Multi Purpose Funnel with Spout

    I re-installed the rear view mirror, upgraded the wiper blades to the new Bosch ones, installed the breather hose and replaced the original and cracked washer reservoir cap. Saturday I'll hopefully get the chance to do a fair amount on the car with the help of Khalil.

    I'm aiming to at least fix the leaking lower valve cover, change the fuel filter, distributor rotor, cap and ignition points, as well as the spark plugs. I'd also love to get a list of all the vacuum hoses I can replace so that there are no vacuum leaks and the CIS doesn't freak out trying to find idle anymore.

    I'll take my camera with me Saturday and get a few proper photos out in OC hopefully. I also have gotten the green light to strip the interior and install some fixed back seats in it. There goes the plan of keeping it relatively stock...

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  • SebastienPeek
    Thanks guys.

    I'll try and grab some interior pictures over the next few days!

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  • promking
    Congrats <3 beautiful car

    Interior pics?

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  • georgeMK1
    Dude ........ <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

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  • SebastienPeek
    Thanks Lukey!

    This weekend saw the purchase of a new air filter, got the CIS box straps ordered too and started researching some cosmetic changes I want to do. In the market for a C2 Porsche engine lid. Going to retro fit that.

    I really want to get the car in for a service and get new tires. But tempted to just save some cash and buy a set of wheels. No point in buying tires for the fuchs when I want to get 16's.

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  • Lukey
    naice seb!

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  • SebastienPeek
    IMG_0017 by Sebastien Peek, on Flickr

    Might do some night cruising and get some photos in downtown. I feel like modifying time is starting to come up quickly, looking at wheel options more and more seriously.

    A part of me is definitely considering getting the "duckbill" trunk. I have always been a fan of it, just unsure how I'd feel about it on a narrow body. Interior wise, I am getting closer and closer to stripping everything out. MOMO steering adapter will arrive shortly, waiting on the heritage series Prototipo's to be released and will get one of those.
    Last edited by SebastienPeek; 01-21-2017, 06:39 PM.

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  • SebastienPeek
    Finally took some real photos on my camera this evening. Need to find a place to shoot her before I start modifying some things.

    IMG_0007 by Sebastien Peek, on Flickr

    IMG_0009 by Sebastien Peek, on Flickr

    IMG_0010 by Sebastien Peek, on Flickr

    IMG_0011 by Sebastien Peek, on Flickr

    Maybe it is time I start getting my camera out more often and scouting places here in Los Angeles. I guess there's quite a few iconic places I could photograph the Porsche out here.

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  • SebastienPeek
    So yesterday I headed down to OC to hang with the StanceWorks crew. Was an early morning start, with me leaving West Hollywood at around 5am to be at the shop for 6:30am. Got there at least fifteen minutes early so that was nice.

    IMG_2017 by Sebastien Peek, on Flickr

    We headed out to Cars and Coffee. I actually stupidly enough got so caught up in the fact that the Parts Car was driving around etc that I forgot to take any photos. We then headed to AutoKennel which had an awesome array of cars on display, from Porsche's to BMW's and was lucky enough to be able to park up in their car park next to the Parts Car.

    IMG_2018 by Sebastien Peek, on Flickr

    We then headed back to the shop and kicked the tires for a bit. Had an absolute blast kicking Khalil and Joshua's asses in table tennis. It was around quarter to six that I left and made my hour long trip back up home.

    IMG_2020 by Sebastien Peek, on Flickr

    Funnily enough, while taking a couple of the guys for a spin in the Porsche, my rear view mirror was knocked off by my too big of a head. So today I spent the majority of it just going over the car, re-installing the rear view mirror and going over all the fuses. I replaced any blown ones, but I am seriously considering replacing all the fuses now that I have gone over them.

    I also got the interior dome lights sorted, so now they turn on. But for some reason they're not switching on when the doors are open, so that's the next issue to sort out. I was also told by Cory that my drivers side brake light is out, but opened up the tail light housing and found that all the bulbs were fine, so can only assume that some of the fuses I replaced will fix it.

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  • 190Evan
    Oh boy... The Evil CIS. If you can learn it and get and understanding of it, DO because there are few in the US who truly understand it and know how to tune it or bring it back to life. My old 190 has CIS and it was a pain in the ass. Probably a different set up but similar all together. My cold start injector was bad and that made for 25 second starts every cold morning. It's a pretty cool system when you understand it though I remember on the 190's you could run <8lbs of boost on stock fuel and it would be fine and CIS would account for it. Lot of cool things you can do to tweak it but its a very temperamental system.

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  • SebastienPeek
    I feel as though it is just the bulb, but going to order a can of the anti-corrosion lubricant on Monday, along with some key blanks to make some spare keys up.

    Hopefully Saturday I can get to removing the unnecessary A/C condenser from the engine lid (weight savings!), as well as installing the Fabspeed air box and checking oil levels as well as just going through everything in the engine bay.

    I read up on the K-Jet fuel injection (CIS) technology and took a look at the setup in the Porsche's engine bay this evening with my torch. I found that I am missing a fuse from the WUR (warm up regulator) which could explain the difficult starts in the morning, a plug was disconnected and a few other little things. Easy fixes and will attempt to get them all sorted over the weekend, mainly the fuse.

    For anyone that is interested, I figure I should share the documentation I've been reading, and this gives me a way to find it again without overloading my bookmarks. Pretty basic website, but gives a solid amount of information on regards the early, mid and late CIS implementations of CIS in Porsche 911's.

    I have to admit, the rain over the last few days has made driving this a blast. Wet roads and old tires mean a little sideways action every now and then which puts a smile on my face that's for sure. I'm glad that the factory defrosters still work as there is definitely moisture getting into the cabin, I've noticed after a decent downpour there is a little bit of water in the drivers footwell as well as some moisture built up in the gauges. Will get under the dash and take a look this weekend as well.

    I have been looking at a ton of parts online and I have definitely started to put together a wish list of things I want to purchase and modify on the Porsche. Right now it is just getting it running as soundly as possible and getting a nice set of tires sorted. Money is a little tight, but all in good time.

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