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The Amazing Race: Fitness Thread / Work-Out Thread

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  • I just found this thread, and since i'm a gym junkie, heres some progress pictures. This is two months apart

    E36 Bonnie


    • slowly thinning out.

      Will post Shirtless Before/after once I hit Target BF%
      Originally posted by Jesus Christ
      he mustve enjoyed that bj.

      i know for a fact you chubby bitches could suck the air bubbles out of a brake line


      • Did Deads today since its back day. Felt pretty good, Did 185x5x3. Next Week I'll try 205
        Originally posted by Jesus Christ
        he mustve enjoyed that bj.

        i know for a fact you chubby bitches could suck the air bubbles out of a brake line


        • Originally posted by benz88 View Post
          Did Deads today since its back day. Felt pretty good, Did 185x5x3. Next Week I'll try 205
          gotta start somewhere, right?

          today was squats for this guy. Some random dude came over and was asking if I needed a spot. "nah man, its my light weight higher rep day. This is no problem for me"

          Then we talked about my squat programming, and I thought his head was gonna explode

          In other news, Im attempting to make some super lean white meat turkey chili tonight. If it's good I can get like 4 meals out of it. If its awful, I'll just complain while I eat 4 shitty meals hahahah
          Website | Facebook | Instagram @Broadway_Static


          • Today was back for me too.

            Did some lighter deads as my knee has been feeling funny. 275x5 for 4 sets. Then did barbell row, wide assisted pull ups, seated cable rows, supinated pull downs, then some bicep work.

            I tried a different squat routine Saturday and it killed my legs. Did regular stance squats 155x15, 175x15, and 185 for 12. Then went right into narrow stance toes straight and did 135x12 for 3 sets. Then did leg press at 400x10 for 3 sets. Then did leg extensions, 4 sets x 20 reps. Then did 4 sets Romanian deads and finished off with 4 sets x 20 reps for lying leg curl. Was a good leg day.

            The Kia has been parted.


            • Ive got legs tomorrow. Going to just do Squats 185x5x Not sure how many Reps lol Then Extention and Curls for legs.
              Originally posted by Jesus Christ
              he mustve enjoyed that bj.

              i know for a fact you chubby bitches could suck the air bubbles out of a brake line


              • Originally posted by andybob View Post
                Today was back for me too.

                Did some lighter deads as my knee has been feeling funny. 275x5 for 4 sets. Then did barbell row, wide assisted pull ups, seated cable rows, supinated pull downs, then some bicep work.

                I tried a different squat routine Saturday and it killed my legs. Did regular stance squats 155x15, 175x15, and 185 for 12. Then went right into narrow stance toes straight and did 135x12 for 3 sets. Then did leg press at 400x10 for 3 sets. Then did leg extensions, 4 sets x 20 reps. Then did 4 sets Romanian deads and finished off with 4 sets x 20 reps for lying leg curl. Was a good leg day.
                Do you do front squats? I've replaced my Oly/narrow stance squats with those for the last couple months. I like them a lot better
                Website | Facebook | Instagram @Broadway_Static


                • Originally posted by Average_Jerk View Post
                  Do you do front squats? I've replaced my Oly/narrow stance squats with those for the last couple months. I like them a lot better
                  lol, funny you mention that as usually I do front squats. I'll do the narrow ones for a bit and switch back to front squat in a bit.

                  Never bad to switch things up.

                  The Kia has been parted.


                  • Im now at a crossroad With What I want to do Nutrition wise. I still got a Decent amount of BF on me (high teens%) But I feel like Im already Too small structure Wise at 195lbs and 6'1, I Ideally want to be around 225ish with alot of mass(I know this part will take a long time). I'm just wondering if its worth Cutting down more Weight/fat before Bulking Clean or should I just Bulk now and let the training Cut the Fat?
                    Originally posted by Jesus Christ
                    he mustve enjoyed that bj.

                    i know for a fact you chubby bitches could suck the air bubbles out of a brake line


                    • By no means am I an expert, but I would try and gain some mass for 6+ months then try and lean down more.

                      For myself I finally feel like I have some muscle density after 14 months of consistant work in the gym. My plan now is to keep slowly adding mass and lean down more. I'm 5'8" sitting around 208 with 17% body fat. I'd love to get down to about 195 at 10-11% bf.

                      The Kia has been parted.


                      • I'd like to be around 220 and 8-10%.
                        Originally posted by Jesus Christ
                        he mustve enjoyed that bj.

                        i know for a fact you chubby bitches could suck the air bubbles out of a brake line


                        • Originally posted by benz88 View Post
                          Im now at a crossroad With What I want to do Nutrition wise. I still got a Decent amount of BF on me (high teens%) But I feel like Im already Too small structure Wise at 195lbs and 6'1, I Ideally want to be around 225ish with alot of mass(I know this part will take a long time). I'm just wondering if its worth Cutting down more Weight/fat before Bulking Clean or should I just Bulk now and let the training Cut the Fat?
                          whats your calorie intake and macros look like?
                          Website | Facebook | Instagram @Broadway_Static


                          • Originally posted by Average_Jerk View Post
                            whats your calorie intake and macros look like?
                            Calorie Intake right now is 2500ish. Maintenance is 3000. Macro's No Idea Lots of Protein and Some Fats. Very little to no Carbs besides whats in my Protein Pancakes.
                            Originally posted by Jesus Christ
                            he mustve enjoyed that bj.

                            i know for a fact you chubby bitches could suck the air bubbles out of a brake line


                            • Went and trained Chest/Triceps today with a buddy whos Taken the last year off from lifting. ITs kind of funny watching someone who used to push decent Weights around Struggle with Medium weight now lol. Its encouraged him to start lifting Again
                              Originally posted by Jesus Christ
                              he mustve enjoyed that bj.

                              i know for a fact you chubby bitches could suck the air bubbles out of a brake line


                              • been out injured and sick for the last week. Can;t wait to get back to the gym tomorrow!!!

