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You'll Be Missed, Acura Integra (Parting Out)

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Ollie View Post
    See I get stupid tickets ALL THE TIME. In NY there's an easy remedy(I'm sure it's the same in your state although it's too late now). Whenever I get any sort of equipment violation, fix it ticket or not, I immediately go to the police station and try to have a cop sign it off. If they dont, go to a different police station. If that doesn't work, get fix it ticket form and go to your local shop and have them sign it. I've done this probably over 10 times. The cops are usually like really? someone ticketed you for that? that's bs and sign it off. Or theyll be like that's not a fix it ticket and Ill be like come on dude, and theyll write it off anyway if youre not a dick and the courts have accepted every single one.

    For example when I get exhaust tickets I just tell them that it snapped in half and that I got it fixed and they go "okay looks good to me." You couldve easily done that with your suspension.

    Im telling you it works.
    ollie know what time it is, ive had troubles with my license and getting pulled over and this couldnt be better advice

    Email | Website | Facebook | Instagram @Broadway_Static


    • #32
      This is a rough situation to be in, sorry to see you part out your car. I've had plenty experience getting stopped for stupid shit, but I've also done some dumb things myself. There was a period of time where I was having a tough time getting my daily inspected ("inadequate" exhaust system) and sometime in the summer it expired. Some of the local officers were familiar with the car and started pulling me over constantly. I was stubborn, kept driving, and plead poverty every time they asked why it wasn't fixed. At the time I was commuting to school, didn't have a job, and spending money on the car was low on the list of priorities. Then sometime in February I got stopped two days in a row and on the second day I was threatened with:

      -Arrest as a repeat offender
      -License suspension
      -Numerous fines
      -Impounding of my car

      First you want to complain because the tightwads making the rules are cranking down on inspection laws and you want to blame them for making your life difficult. But then you feel stupid for being stubborn and ignorant. I lucked out, didn't get hauled off or lose the car. Since then the car has sat and I've been driving something else. I picked up a steady income in April and have since altered the exhaust system. I'll be trying to get it inspected next week.


      • #33
        That's some useful information. I would agree that you should look into your state's laws on suspension modification. Eurotuner did an article on modifying cars and legal issues a little while back, that might be worth digging up on the internet to get some useful info out of that, too.

        I found it, here it is:

        Scroll down a little bit and look for the "suspension" heading. Hope this helps
        Last edited by white bread; 07-23-2011, 03:01 AM.
        "'s not about the parts, it's about the look and feel of the car as a whole" - Jason Whipple, Rotiform


        • #34
          Man virginia sucks.. Move across the bridge to md.. Virginia cops can't hassle you if you have md tags


          • #35
            I just red through the whole thread, as it's the first time I've heared about legal issues concerning modified cars over in the US.
            It's good, but sad to see that we in Germany aren't the only ones who have Police and law-issues.
            Even though you can get many modifications legalized here, there are some that never could be done legal, plus the police always can challenge the records of your mods in your carpapers... which may result in your car getting towed... which costs a fuckload of money

            That's why I rather like the Holland and Belgium... scraped pretty bad right in front of the police and they didn't even bother to stop me...

            Anyway... sucks to see that car go away in parts, except for the front (I'm just a sucker for the Japan version ) it looked great!


            • #36
              Originally posted by Byron View Post
              That's bullshit, you should fight them. What is considered "too low"? And why is your suspension illegal? What does that even mean?

              I can see getting pulled for the third brake light, clear corners maybe but neither of those are worthy of taking your plates. Read up on your laws and go to court.

              According to Pa code regarding vehicle inspections :

              (12) Check the shock absorbers and reject if the vehicle continues free rocking motion greater than three cycles after release, indicating loss of the shock absorber function.
              Im pretty sure op's car doesnt bounce 3 times after release.... that being said, It pobably does violate a steering law:

              (v) The front wheels cannot be turned to the full right or left position without binding or interference.
              Im guessing his tires hit the fenders before it hist the turn stops. Easy fix though, It doesnt say that the turn stops cant be modified, so just add some in right before it hits the fender! COMPLIANCE. suck it cops.


              • #37
                I absolutely love your car. To bad the popo fucked it up. One more reason I **** VA


                • #38
                  wow, cops really have nothing to do in VA i guess, good luck with everything
                  "The meaning of life is not simply to exist, to survive, but to move ahead, to go up, to achieve, to conquer."


                  • #39
                    Amnnnn rip to this carrrr
                    No switches, Mo' bitches..... @Top_ranks_ejay6 #EKsquad


                    • #40
                      nice car its a shame

                      Originally posted by Joakim H View Post
                      i totally agree
                      Ignorus Maximus

