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  • If Kielan manages the eat in my car with the ride it has I'll be very impressed.

    Originally posted by driftsucky
    If that car was at a bar, I'd buy it a drink and try to seduce it. Then, we I got it home, I'd cook breakfast for it in the morning. After it told me it's sob story of falling on hard times, I'd offer to lend it a few quid(c wut i did thar) for rent money. I'd probably buy it's daughter a few outfits for school as well. Eventually, I'd take it to a family pic of mine and introduce it to everyone. We'd date for a while until a nice G35 came around and enticed me with the leather seats and navigation that I would never even use anyway. I'd end up breaking that tegs heart and it would walk on me. THAT'S how much I love this car.


    • michael u surely have no idea how much he craves those roles haha


      • People piss me off so much sometimes. Send me an email. I respond in no more than 5 minutes, then I never fucking hear back from them. Like are you kidding me? It's midnight where I am, and I'm responding to your fucking inquiry about springs and coilovers, and you can't even email me back a thank you? I doubt you went very far away from your PHONE that you sent me the email on in that time. Jesus Christ, fucking tire kickers piss me off.
        - Kielan (Key-lin)


        • Bastards Kelly, all of 'em.
          Education - Knowledge - Power
          insta: @stinkinrich


          • Floccinaucinihilipilification


            • Originally posted by Anonymoose View Post
              I can imagine Kielan in Mikes car covered in sausage roll pastry crumbs all fat bastard style

              If you guys wanna come down Horsham way there's some cool places to take pictures... I'm gonna let you guys know how it's going during the day but will be the afternoon time before the cars ready to drive anywhere. Got some shit painted last night, weathers just holding out enough, all nighter on friday/saturday and I think it's good to go, unless brakes decide to give me issues
              Probably exactly what is going to happen.

              Give us a shout if you want a hand.
              Originally posted by michealis View Post
              If Kielan manages the eat in my car with the ride it has I'll be very impressed.
              If I can eat a meal of baked ziti and meatballs in a car with 4 blown struts, I'm pretty sure I can eat a sausage roll anywhere.
              Originally posted by P78 View Post
              michael u surely have no idea how much he craves those roles haha
              Originally posted by stinkinrich View Post
              Bastards Kelly, all of 'em.
              Yes, yes they are.
              Originally posted by P78 View Post
              Woah, I am not.
              - Kielan (Key-lin)


              • not you

                the midnight mailer


                • The multiple midnight mailers you mean...
                  - Kielan (Key-lin)


                  • that


                    midnight mailers
                    midnight marauders

                    hmm hello awesome atcq cd


                    • I was just thinking the same thing, probably gunna listen to it now.
                      - Kielan (Key-lin)


                      • one step ahead of you


                        • Fuck I'm hungry, guess it's time to go eat... It's so bad that I don't look forward to eating any more... Fucking Sweden. Can't wait for food that actually tastes good.
                          - Kielan (Key-lin)


                          • Originally posted by Kielan View Post
                            Can't wait for food that actually tastes good..
                            Education - Knowledge - Power
                            insta: @stinkinrich


                            • SO MUCH WANT. You bastard.
                              - Kielan (Key-lin)


                              • y is there lettucelike stuff accompanying that

                                kelly did u know that where i live we have special monday (its called lost monday, something to do with religion obviously) where we only eat those and appleballs

                                Last edited by P78; 07-05-2012, 05:42 AM.

