The Lowly Gentlemen – Spring Clearance SALE

The temperatures have risen, the salt is finally washing off of the roads, and people are dusting off theirs to stretch their legs for the first time since fall. Spring may finally be here, and we’ve been using the longer hours to clean up around the StanceWorks shop. It has come time to clear some room for our new line of Lowly Gentlemen Spring 2015 Gear. That means that it’s time to host our annual Spring Clearance Sale. Prices on all stickers and shirts have been slashed, and our last few remaining art prints have been discounted for those who are still looking to decorate their walls with our limited edition drawings. The sale will last until Monday April 6th while supplies last, so don’t waste too much time if you’ve been meaning to snag some StanceWorks apparel.

Click Here to Begin Shopping the Lowly Gentlemen Spring Clearance SALE 


Adaptec Speedware

Over the past few years, there has been a influx into the world of aftermarket automotive centered around wheel fitment. It’s not that wheel fitment

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