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  • lol azn and driftin.. i see what you did there
    cars and stuff


    • Originally posted by Han View Post
      I need around 125grams of protein a day so I just had around 30-35 at breakfast.
      you trying to get down to 125 lbs?

      Also you're better off getting the protein from real foods
      Yes I know that protein powder comes from milk separation but you know what I mean
      Dude... My nissan has like a v8, man.


      • Originally posted by Alexander View Post
        I thought Asians drove everywhere sideways?
        no u mistaken

        crabs do that


        • Originally posted by Han View Post
          We don't need side mirrors because we see in 16:9.

          Dude... My nissan has like a v8, man.


          • Originally posted by P78 View Post
            no u mistaken

            crabs do that
            pretty sure crabs don't drive
            I think they scuttle
            Dude... My nissan has like a v8, man.


            • Originally posted by Dudermagee View Post
              you trying to get down to 125 lbs?

              Also you're better off getting the protein from real foods
              Yes I know that protein powder comes from milk separation but you know what I mean
              This is in addition to my normal food intake. I actually gained 3-4lbs of muscle since about 1.5 months ago.
              Originally posted by Jesus Christ
              if "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" doesnt include being able to buy a huge veiny motherfucker then the declaration of independence isnt worth the hemp it was written on.
              Originally posted by Jedidiah
              he speaks the truth.. he doesn't even have the -- -- eyes.


              • Originally posted by Han View Post
                This is in addition to my normal food intake. I actually gained 3-4lbs of muscle since about 1.5 months ago.
                oh so you're taking 125 grams of that protein crap + protein from reg meals?
                That makes more sense
                Dude... My nissan has like a v8, man.


                • Originally posted by Han View Post
                  We don't need side mirrors because we see in 16:9.
                  Bahhahahahhahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahah ahhahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahahhahaha hhahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahhahahha hahahahhahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahahh ahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahha hahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahah ahahhahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahahhaha hahhahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahhahah hahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhaha
                  - Kielan (Key-lin)


                  • Originally posted by Dudermagee View Post
                    oh so you're taking 125 grams of that protein crap + protein from reg meals?
                    That makes more sense
                    Oh, no, not 125 grams of protein powder - around 125 total. I do about 60grams of protein from the powder and milk. Rest (or more) is from normal foods.

                    I went from 135ish cut down to 125 (fat loss), then lost more fat and gained more muscle and I'm up to 128-130 since I started working out 4 months ago.
                    Originally posted by Jesus Christ
                    if "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" doesnt include being able to buy a huge veiny motherfucker then the declaration of independence isnt worth the hemp it was written on.
                    Originally posted by Jedidiah
                    he speaks the truth.. he doesn't even have the -- -- eyes.


                    • I gain 4 pounds of muscle, when a hot daughter checks in with her family....

                      Originally posted by anth
                      Lucky they didn't come into your house and disrespect your whole family.


                      • well that was a fucking waste of company time. i would have rather "worked" for that 30mins
                        Website | Facebook | Instagram @Broadway_Static


                        • Originally posted by Average_Jerk View Post
                          well that was a fucking waste of company time. i would have rather "worked" for that 30mins
                          - Kielan (Key-lin)


                          • so you saving them more money now dave?
                            Originally posted by anth
                            Lucky they didn't come into your house and disrespect your whole family.


                            • Originally posted by Oxer View Post
                              so you saving them more money now dave?
                              Did they switch to Geico?
                              Originally posted by Jesus Christ
                              if "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" doesnt include being able to buy a huge veiny motherfucker then the declaration of independence isnt worth the hemp it was written on.
                              Originally posted by Jedidiah
                              he speaks the truth.. he doesn't even have the -- -- eyes.


                              • Originally posted by Oxer View Post
                                so you saving them more money now dave?
                                i'm guessing not

                                since it was a waste
                                Last edited by P78; 03-16-2011, 10:02 AM.

