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  • Fuck?

    Well if it makes you feel any better, I ran myself and a friend of mine over with my 99SI, using the remote start, and fractured my (tibia or fibia whatever your "shin" bone is), and broke like 3 bones in his foot. ahahaha

    Fuck remote starts. When I was in high school, I would walk outside in my boxers and a pair of dc's, start my cammed, open header Probe GT, and go back inside and take a hot shower. haha
    Last edited by Lt. Dangle; 12-15-2010, 06:14 PM.
    Originally posted by FluidMotorUnion
    Fuck Rotas, I'd rather my wheels not break apart when I drive over a watermelon seed.


    • Kels


      • Academic Probation, can't do shit right. ITS FUCKING MATH FUCKING 21. WHAT THE FUCK FAILED THE FUCKING CLASS. FUCK MY FUCKING LIFE. I studied for 19 fucking hours over the weekend. When I wasn't studying I was eating or sleeping. WHAT THE FUCK.
        - Kielan (Key-lin)


        • Not giving a shit seriously makes life easier, look at it this way, next time you take it, it will be a lot easier


          • Originally posted by DuWerk View Post
            Not giving a shit seriously makes life easier, look at it this way, next time you take it, it will be a lot easier
            And at least you didn't get two consecutive academic probations and now have to leave for a semester.
            I suck at math and sciences. Art is all I'm really good at.
            So... It could be worse mang, head up.
            Christof Goulart


            • Not giving a shit seriously makes life easier, look at it this way, next time you take it, it will be a lot easier


              • School is overrated anyways. Unless you are going for a specialized degree (nursing, engineer, etc...).
                The other Jaguar


                • It could be a lot worse, it's the weekend tomorrow, winter break, and you're hanging out with stanceworks north east next week


                  • what chris and andrew said, kielan.

                    not giving a shit really does make stuff a lot easier. sucks about the exam though dude.


                    • It is not the weekend tomorrow. I have an econ final Friday, which I am also not going to do well on. And I am going to school for an IST degree, pretty much something you have to have a degree in to get into the field. I suck at everything. I'm not nearly good enough at anything else to major in anything. I can't just not give a shit. My parents are going to flip a shit, I have no money I don't have anything. I studied for 19 fucking hours and I still failed. Life could not suck any more. Fuck my fucking life.
                      - Kielan (Key-lin)


                      • You gave it your all, and you put a lot in to it and that's all you can ask for in the end. You did everything you could. It sucks, but at least you can say you did everything you could.

                        I know this probably won't help, but... Better to fail trying than to just dick around and wait to fail.
                        Christof Goulart


                        • Originally posted by firelizard View Post
                          No...historical differences...can't tell if you're intentionally ignoring them or not.

                          Well, maybe if you re-wrote it, but no, you could not if you were attempting to make some sort of intelligent argument.

                          You are...

                          Ok, yeah, I'm just going to leave you be..

                          It is when it has 3 references for one statement. How do you even function?

                          No I just chose to ignore the inaccuracies in that wiki and being perpetuated in this discussion.

                          All people of the Jewish faith are not Semites, IE born in the Middle East, Particularly the region that now encompasses Israel, Jordan, Syria and the Sinai Peninsula.

                          Therefore stating that, then the wiki saying Jews are an ethnicity would be incorrect just because they speak the same language (hebrew, which all jews don't speak natively or even at all) have the same heritage (because you can't prove to me that the majority of Jews have the same genetic markers and genomes that show they descended from the same familial tree so to speak). Or even the same culture because how do differentiate between all the different types of judaism and their own respective traditions and cultural practices. So you have Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, and Reconstructionist, which even within those groups they break down even further.

                          So according to you and this wiki, Jews are an ethnicity, within their ethnicity they have sub-ethnicities and EVEN more they sub-sub-ethnicities. This all seems a little far fetched and attempt to make a religion more than it is.

                          Because again like i told you earlier i can argue that Christians, muslims or even stance are an ethnicity. Most christians can speak english, they share the same culture because they all grew up reading the same book and better yet they share the same ideology and using my logic from earlier within this ethnicity they have sub-ethnicities!!!

                          Lets try this again with muslims....

                          Muslims can speak arabic (you have to because the quran is in arabic)
                          Muslims all share the same culture (because of the quran and its shariaa law there are certain guidelines to follow and practices)
                          Muslims all share the same ideology (same reasons as above)

                          Muslims also have sub-ethnicities (Sufi, Sunni and Shiates)

                          One more time just for Shits and giggles

                          Stancers.... All of them speak Low (or english lol just look at this forum)
                          Stancers....all of them share the same culture (Clothing, music, cars, other activities like skateboards, bmx, skiing/snowboarding)
                          Stancers all share the same ideology of low, proper wheel fitment and general badassery

                          Stancers also have different sub-ethnicities, be it car makes, models or even style of stance from a clean show quality finish to totally ratted out. Even airbags or static, poke and stretch.

                          So basically its a weak argument trying to tell me that Judaism is an ethnicity because I can argue that about any group. This was just written in 5 minutes because in all honesty and no offense hopefully arguing about religion and politics on the internet is the most pointless thing ever and i don't feel like wasting anymore time on it.


                          • Originally posted by runningpanda View Post
                            You gave it your all, and you put a lot in to it and that's all you can ask for in the end. You did everything you could. It sucks, but at least you can say you did everything you could.

                            I know this probably won't help, but... Better to fail trying than to just dick around and wait to fail.

                            it doesn't sound like you could have done of anything more, save paying for a good ass tutor. hopefully your parents will understand that you gave it everything you had.
                            Last edited by vdubkid; 12-15-2010, 06:56 PM.


                            • Definitely.
                              BTW George, I think I'll be back at FCC this summer slash fall, then maybe looking in to Hood.
                              Christof Goulart


                              • Originally posted by runningpanda View Post
                                BTW George, I think I'll be back at FCC this summer slash fall, then maybe looking in to Hood.
                                right on man! i'm coming back for one more semester next fall, so hopefully we can chill and take pictures and hold eachother's dicks.


