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Random Thread V2.0

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  • Originally posted by mrg7243 View Post
    Fuck Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck uf ck

    I **** spending money, but I love getting shit, but I **** being broke, but I love playing with the shit I buy
    You are doing it wrong

    What you are meant to do is this

    Originally posted by coconutt View Post
    So gay.
    Sp Coco
    Drinking Enthusiast with a Car Problem


    • Rearranging my room and hooking up my surround sound system that I had just sitting in my closet.

      Gotta wait til Friday to have spending money.


      • Originally posted by 180roman View Post
        Part time job is way better than nothing dude

        Being without a job for 5 months, I am glad to be working at least part time now.

        Of I'm not earning anywhere near the same money as I used to, but I always try and pick up extra shift whenever I can
        Very true. Hopefully shit starts to pick up this month.
        Ol Dirty Bastard - RIP

        Photo by Alex Dooley
        2016 Ducati Scrambler, 2015 Subaru Impreza


        • And I keep reopening up my cut on the lower left side of my pinky fingernail. Hope it'll be fine for work tomorrow.


          • Originally posted by Macaque View Post
            wow... today was a joke. This morning i hopped in the shower after cutting my chin and mustache 8 times with my worthless disposable razor, felt some pain while washing my face, realized they were raised welts (cystic acne). I opened the shower curtain and looked straight down at the tile, i was so close to getting out and swinging on the tiles as hard as i could... i must have stared at them for 5 minutes. But anyway, i get out and feel a really strong urge to use the bathroom... i normally hold it for 3 or 4 days cause i **** doing #2 lol.... But this was day 5... and i HAD to go. NOW.
            I sat on the toilet after i got dressed and took a half diarrhea, half solid release. The solid part was so thick and wide that i honestly felt some of the worst pains of my life during the pushing. I started pulling up my pants right as the last bit fell out, tightened my belt and flushed the toilet... See i never believed in wiping before, thought it was a waste of time and what not, ... I mean I never get anything from wiping anyway so wtf is the point... right?
            holy god was i wrong... i got to school and felt solid clumps deep between my cheeks, i figured my boxers were bunched up or summat. Right as i made it to my first period door i thought i felt something wet against my boxers... when i sat down my hypothesis was correct.. i had feces on them, and could start to smell them slightly. The damned room must have been 90 degrees, heat blowing because a computer malfunctioned, my ass and back started to sweat profusely and i had to make as little movement as possible to avoid disrupting it anymore. My teacher called me up to get a test paper, I thought about telling him to just throw it away, but of course i had to be an idiot and go up to get it, i walked by one kid and he said "dude you smell like bbq or something" My face got so red and everyone started saying "holy ****, you smell bad man, did you shower???"
            I ignore them and get back to my desk... i take a look back at the board and notice a black dot on the ground, kids started questioning what it was and my heart started RACING. One kid sniffed it and exclaimed "OH MY GOD, ITS POOP!!!!" at this point the class was laughing excessively, i put my head down on my desk and smelled FUMES coming out from below it, i looked down and there was **** smeared all over the tile floor and on the bottoms of my jeans.
            I ran full speed out the door, walked home and ended up punching my dads laptop on the way in and breaking the screen, he still isn't home, its gonna be hell when he sees it. I can honestly say im dropping out of school and enlisting in the marines, im NEVER showing my face at high school again. I mean it doesn't matter anyway, my GPA is 1.2 and im a 19 year old sophomore.

            Glad I could take a dump in this thread again. It is fun.

            fuck you and get out.


            • I recon that guy who keeps rambling random shit in the thread is 940 back coz he is pissed that he got banned
              Drinking Enthusiast with a Car Problem


              • Originally posted by 180roman View Post
                I recon that guy who keeps rambling random shit in the thread is 940 back coz he is pissed that he got banned
                Wouldn't be surprised if it was 940. Only got temp banned.

                Main Page - Facebook - Flickr - Instagram - Twitter
                Originally posted by Oxer
                You know who Jason is? Anyone here read the Bible or know most of the stories etc? Who's the guy that stands at the gate and decides if you get into heaven or not? That's Jason. He processes everyone in the intro threads and welcomes them.
                Originally posted by Average_Jerk
                Also you relinquish all of your rights by posting in RT. You can be banned at any time for no reason at all.


                • Joining the broke club. Starting to accept the fact that I'll never get a daily, and I just need to make the 10mpg car suitable for doing such things.

                  E30 V8 Build thread

                  Go here be happy!

                  Instagram: stuartrussell



                  • Convert car to run on LPG, shit is so cheap.

                    It costs me the same price to run my 4L straight 6 Ford Falcon as it does for my parents to run their Honda Civic
                    Drinking Enthusiast with a Car Problem


                    • Had to share this.

                      A mate of mine is going to Japan to drift and needs to take a couple of tires with him coz he is on a very small budget and as a tire shop owner can get them for a lot cheaper than buying anywhere.

                      So he made these suitcases out of tires for his trip, so he would not go over the 30kg baggage allowance.

                      Drinking Enthusiast with a Car Problem


                      • Sick haha.

                        Fucking surround sound doesn't work... Keeps shutting off after powering on. I wonder if it's an easy fix.


                        • Place speakers in a large empty room.

                          Echo = surround sound
                          Drinking Enthusiast with a Car Problem


                          • Place sub in corner. Go to other corner. BASSSSSSSSS

                            No bass here though :'(


                            • Drop the bass

                              Drinking Enthusiast with a Car Problem


                              • Still gotta cut my hair and shower before I can sleep. Tomorrow's gonna be funnnn...

