Originally posted by Oxer
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The farming industry is definitely not sustainable. Even the cattle industry agrees and knows it needs to reduce the "hoofprint" as they call it. There's a lot of information out there for those that seek it. A huge chunk of Australia's farm industry supports America. America goes through 100% of their own farming industry in the first three months of the year, and relies on other countries to support it. The farming industry as it is right now is not sustainable in any way of the word. I agree that the oil industry, plastic industry and pollution are also great topics but it doesn't deter from the impact that the farming industry is currently having on our environment.
I didn't hear about that. In fact, I find that absolutely fucking ridiculous that they would do that. I don't care if people eat beef, or poultry, or consume dairy. All I know is I want to have a healthier life, and my friends around me too. I am not one for pushing vegetarianism or veganism or whatever, and it is definitely not like that out here in LA. In fact, there was a study published that more than 80% of people were likely to order a vegetarian meal through Postmates, or Uber Eats or Eat24 here over a meal that includes some form of animal protein. It is very different here, people have realized that you can't force it upon people and protests just don't do anything.
Take for example the school shootings that happen daily here. Even though there are thousands, if not millions of people calling and protesting for gun control, it isn't going to happen...
Also, I would still be down for eating a ton of pork at Munich, I just don't find it as appealing as I used to. yeah, I have changed my views a hell of a lot, but you can't unlearn what you have learnt. It's like trying to tell someone who has, for years, believed that milk is good for your bones, when there are studies now proving that it is actually the lead cause of bone marrow cancer...
We got way off track here, the 11th is coming up, I am keen. And don't worry, I won't be pushing any of my views on anyone ahahah
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