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  • Originally posted by mohsen View Post
    Put a deposit on a 26
    rips 26/30? say walla bro
    - = [ M . I . A | c r e w ] = -
    Originally posted by TRaNz
    Its not bags, its a tank for the car that keeps the inside car cabin pressurized and uv rays down to a minimum so that colins skin doesnt react with the outside uv rays. The tank is conected to a powercore with a special generator separate to the cars system. As so im told, it uses a nuclear substance which has been supplied by Moh. The complex design was created for people with special skin conditions like colin. Id say its a good investment for colin.


    • Tranz?!?!?!?!?!


      • way to tall
        - = [ M . I . A | c r e w ] = -
        Originally posted by TRaNz
        Its not bags, its a tank for the car that keeps the inside car cabin pressurized and uv rays down to a minimum so that colins skin doesnt react with the outside uv rays. The tank is conected to a powercore with a special generator separate to the cars system. As so im told, it uses a nuclear substance which has been supplied by Moh. The complex design was created for people with special skin conditions like colin. Id say its a good investment for colin.


        • Originally posted by JC. View Post

          jdmasfk? nah mate

          Originally posted by cln View Post
          way to tall
          sir.....just go outside. just go.
          S I N G L E | W O R K S - Loneliness is a Lifestyle


          • Originally posted by TRaNz View Post
            jdmasfk? nah mate

            sir.....just go outside. just go.
            im outside atm (under shade ofcourse) and it is a beautiful day manggg.

            on the other hand..... grow bro. just grow.

            - = [ M . I . A | c r e w ] = -
            Originally posted by TRaNz
            Its not bags, its a tank for the car that keeps the inside car cabin pressurized and uv rays down to a minimum so that colins skin doesnt react with the outside uv rays. The tank is conected to a powercore with a special generator separate to the cars system. As so im told, it uses a nuclear substance which has been supplied by Moh. The complex design was created for people with special skin conditions like colin. Id say its a good investment for colin.


            • Originally posted by cln View Post
              im outside atm (under shade ofcourse) and it is a beautiful day manggg.

              on the other hand..... grow bro. just grow.

              going to turn on my highbeams onto you......fkin burrnnnnn
              S I N G L E | W O R K S - Loneliness is a Lifestyle


              • Sooooooooooooooooooooooo many S|W stickers are Eurofest in Sydney today. Saw Mike's old Borbets which are now on an e30 vert thats fucking low as.

                10 mk3's rocked up yeah boy haha
                Originally posted by TRaNz
                We ride homos together, we die homos together. Homos 4 Lyfe. <3


                • Originally posted by foffa View Post
                  Sooooooooooooooooooooooo many S|W stickers are Eurofest in Sydney today. Saw Mike's old Borbets which are now on an e30 vert thats fucking low as.

                  10 mk3's rocked up yeah boy haha
                  Yeh saw a pic of it. Looked awesome!! Good to see they going to good use
                  Originally posted by TRaNz
                  omg man...naaaaahhhhhh...dafuq bro...nah thats crossing the line. youre fucked bengfacebengcunt.


                  • I didn't even know you were going to Eurofest man! Did you enjoy the event?


                    • I hope Adelaide's EuroFest is just as good. Can't wait to meet a couple of you guys either, should be good!
                      IG: @sebastienaudeon
                      1974 Porsche 911S

                      Originally posted by TRaNz
                      *pats Sebs head*
                      there there.
                      keep calm, go mash your face on a car window.


                      • Yeah it was good! I was sitting with a few other VW boys from Sydney under a tree in the corner of the show. You took your BMW along yeah? Looks good!
                        Originally posted by TRaNz
                        We ride homos together, we die homos together. Homos 4 Lyfe. <3


                        • Comment

                          • lollllllllllllllllllllllll
                            Originally posted by Smeeeb
                            Iloveitslammedinmyarse if I remember correctly.


                            • does Stu's partner get embarrassed when in his car?
                              S I N G L E | W O R K S - Loneliness is a Lifestyle


                              • Nah I never get embarrassed.

