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Aussie Random Thread.

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  • on another note,

    had a hot as fuck hair dresser cut my hair this arvo.


    • Originally posted by namtaro View Post
      omg thankyou colin for the 2 stickers, it took me 2 tries to get it as straight as i could, was full raging sesh man
      hahahah told you! thats why i payed ox with beer to chuck mine on, soz stu ill shout you one next time but you dont even look legal pls dont get drunk and scream rape ill get deported

      - = [ M . I . A | c r e w ] = -
      Originally posted by TRaNz
      Its not bags, its a tank for the car that keeps the inside car cabin pressurized and uv rays down to a minimum so that colins skin doesnt react with the outside uv rays. The tank is conected to a powercore with a special generator separate to the cars system. As so im told, it uses a nuclear substance which has been supplied by Moh. The complex design was created for people with special skin conditions like colin. Id say its a good investment for colin.


      • so i have always pondered about this but was always felt like too much of a weirdo but since this is the internet and youre all equally as weird. (im looking at you colin. you leprechaun)

        and now the question.
        if you were for what ever reason about to get raided. and youre taking a dump. cops roll in, bust the toilet door open on you while youre sitting there giving birth to waste, would they let you finish?

        serious question.


        • Originally posted by mohsen View Post
          so i have always pondered about this but was always felt like too much of a weirdo but since this is the internet and youre all equally as weird. (im looking at you colin. you leprechaun)

          and now the question.
          if you were for what ever reason about to get raided. and youre taking a dump. cops roll in, bust the toilet door open on you while youre sitting there giving birth to waste, would they let you finish?

          serious question.
          hmm... why did you think of this...

          are you expecting to get raided... shifty northerners...
          Drinking Enthusiast with a Car Problem


          • I don't know man.. Lmao


            • theyd pull you off the seat to make sure you wernt flushing evidence brah.. just sayin


              i am not weird i just have red hair <3
              Last edited by cln; 10-14-2011, 09:50 AM.
              - = [ M . I . A | c r e w ] = -
              Originally posted by TRaNz
              Its not bags, its a tank for the car that keeps the inside car cabin pressurized and uv rays down to a minimum so that colins skin doesnt react with the outside uv rays. The tank is conected to a powercore with a special generator separate to the cars system. As so im told, it uses a nuclear substance which has been supplied by Moh. The complex design was created for people with special skin conditions like colin. Id say its a good investment for colin.


              • just finish shitting on your way out to the car when they arrest you or just shit in the car and ruin their interior
                Drinking Enthusiast with a Car Problem


                • Originally posted by cln View Post
                  ahem technically its not my fault ya know!

                  long story short
                  (get out your popcorn i swear on my pot of gold its true)

                  car was parked in our driveway but dad decided to move it next door without telling me. Now this is all fine and dandy except 1.) their driveway is on a slant and 2.) i had a remote button on my alarm for my 32. So later in the next ive gone to go out and ive started it from my lounge room while i put on my shoes only to nearly shit my pants when i hear a sudden loud crash from outside. I ran out thinking some arab had drifted into a tree but to my dismay my car was gone . i was abit wtf so ran over and out of the corner of my eye saw my neighbours garage door pealed backwards halfway down AND i could still hear my car running. i was like oh shit i am so getting deported, jumped over the fence and looked in their garage and what did i see - my car had jolted in first on their driveway and because it was on a downwards angle it had actually started LOLLL flew straight through their garage door pealing it back like a tuna can and ran into the poor cunts brand new bbq . when i got to the car it had shut off but their bbq was fucking munted sideways.

                  And thats why im banned from most electrical appliances in my house. The end xoxoxox

                  PS. to this day i still claim no responsibility for the disaster but my dad always pulls the you should never have wired in the remote start.

                  Epic story. however....that is not a long story short

                  [QUOTE=180roman;591294just shit in the car and ruin their interior[/QUOTE]

                  roman knows whatsup. Obviously from the westside


                  • all you city people are strange


                    • man i **** poop

                      but fuck, if a cop tries to pull me off the loo mid dump, im shitting on the cunts shoes


                      • need to acquire bags after rollin behind stu ffs.
                        slammed vs what seems 4x4 height ftl


                        • All valid points gentleman.


                          • Winning!

                            JUST NEED MORE LOWSSSSS!

                            Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
                            [QUOTE=Oxer;1593769]I Love VW's[/QUOTE]


                            • Fitted my own boot lip today.


                              • sigpic

