Over the weekend following a fit of boredom, the StanceWorks crew took to Craigslist, as a competition of sorts to find the cheapest car for sale. Within an hour, we had our hands on a rather nice example of a 2002 Saturn SL2, complete with working AC, cruise control, and power accessories. Truthfully, it makes a great candidate for a cheap commuter, but for the $201 price tag, we knew what had to be done. We spent the afternoon at the StanceWorks HQ, making the necessary changes to the Saturn sedan in order to take flight. Our mods included Group 4 E9 CSL roof and deck spoilers, an aluminum front air dam, and of course, a Keystone Light livery to make the car look the part. Check out the video to see the results of our Sunday antics, as we did our best to return the Saturn to orbit.