California Life: What We’re Up To

Ever since the 3 of us moved out West, we’ve had our plates full, working long days and long nights to get everything accomplished. If there’s one thing to be said, however, it’s that we wake up every day with the opportunity to do what we love. In the midst of the action, however, we continue what we do best.

With the Californian days growing longer and longer, we’ve found ourselves cruising with the windows down for the sake of enjoying the winter sun while looking for things to do in Pismo Beach. Truth be told, the vast change from the South Eastern climate I grew up in along with the fast-paced lifestyle we’re now living has yet to cease feeling like a vacation from home. Every day I wake up wondering when it will be time to say goodbye to the palm trees and golden sun and head back to the intense heat and humidity or frigid cold.

When we’re not working on site content, the latest for Lowly Gentlemen, or client work, we’ve been spending our spare time slowly wrenching away on the STANCE|WORKS project cars, hoping to get them rolling by the time the show season kicks back up. This past weekend, Andrew, Cody, and I tackled some minor frame modifications to the shop truck, preparing for the big stuff in just a few weeks. Andrew’s project 2002 lurks in the background waiting for the engine to be yanked.

We’ve also been racking up our shutter count lately, with seemingly every afternoon occupied by some type of photo shoot. We’ve been enjoying the opportunity to use our artistic abilities to help promote and work with all sorts of big names. A behind-the-scenes shot of our most recent shoots, the ID Agency’s Ford Focus for HRE Wheels shows exactly how we do things.

We’re following our hearts and utilizing the enthusiasm that drives us, “living the dream”, anticipating what lies ahead. The hard work is paying off, but more importantly, between the work hours, we remember why we’re working hard to begin with. Good times with good people, good cars and a unifying passion behind it all.

We thought we share what we’ve been up to between the features, a look in on how we’ve been spending our days, both at work and at play. But enough of that, back to work!



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