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Tips for editing my shots?

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  • Tips for editing my shots?

    I'm sorry if a similar thread has already been posted. If that is the case then I'll happily remove/edit this.

    I was just curious what are some quick tips for editing my photography. I'm pretty happy with how the image comes out straight from the camera, but I would really love to somehow get results more like these;

    Whether you post links to Tutorials, or post some of your own personal tips, I think it'd be great to hear.

    Thanks again SW <3

    instagram: @elliotjlong

  • #2
    1997 E36 M3 (Cosmos/Modena)
    My Thread


    • #3
      I like both pics, but there are some things you could work on.

      Both pix don't work the way they're supposed to. The idea with number one was to get a clean shot of a clean car, i guess. The background is way too unsettled/distracting and brings too much disturbance into the shot. I also would have gone with another crop, something like 16:9. A wider image, which would emphasize the lines of the car. Furthermore, the standard crop format is so worn out and boring. Lighting looks photoshopped, too, it's just too much. In both images.
      So for the first photo: Cleaner background, a better fitting scenery, a different crop. Try some shit

      Second photo is a rolling shot. Almost. Same goes here. It's a nice snapshot but it could have been way better, if you took more time to get what you were looking for in the first place. Look for a simple, clean road without buildings on the side and use a way longer exposure. I recommend going like 50-70mph using a shutter speed of 1/40-1/60. The sky is nice but you went a little too exicted about it Looks unnatural and the first thing the eye looks at is the sky, not the car. If you had used a longer exposure you'd have way more blur.

      I hope I could give you some tips, excuse my english
      i take photos of cars @nicetounfriendyou


      • #4
        I'd like to show you one of my shots to give you an example but i havent figured out how to do so... can you help me pls? i'll give u a free cookie.
        i take photos of cars @nicetounfriendyou


        • #5
          Originally posted by DeepDishTimmy View Post
          I'd like to show you one of my shots to give you an example but i havent figured out how to do so... can you help me pls? i'll give u a free cookie.
          Post it on Flickr, then either post the URL or right click > copy image URL > Insert image > Paste image URL

          And nono these aren't my shots! I was just curious on how to edit as shown.

          Thanks for the input, I think gradients is a good place to start.

          instagram: @elliotjlong


          • #6
            I downloaded a few LR presets from so when I want to get creative I usually use one of those and tweak it to my liking.

            The one I used for these is "old school skin tone"

            May not be to your style though, I don't know...hope this helps.

            IMG_3900-2_wm by Lyonsroar91, on Flickr

            IMG_3837_wm by Lyonsroar91, on Flickr
            ^^Click ME!^^


            • #7
              Thanks so much for that link.


              instagram: @elliotjlong


              • #8
                The worst part about the VW shot is the sky was PS'd in.


                • #9
                  look good, beautful photo, i like it very much. Thanks so much for that link.


                  • #10
                    I really like both the pictures, they look good and I don’t think so you have to do editing on it.
                    Hiring local movers New York

