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What's with the car "community" nowadays?

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  • What's with the car "community" nowadays?

    I hope this is the right place to post this, but a buddy of mine brought this to my attention, and I figured I'd share:

    Original Link: Tumblr Link

    I've been noticing a lot of this type of stuff, the more I go out to meets. Granted, there are a lot of Euro people here and it is SOWO, so Japanese import bashing is expected to a certain extent. But to deliberately throw beer at another enthusiast's car and, essentially, vandalize it, just to make a point is beyond me. I'm aware no "real" damage was caused to the car, but that's not the point. Shit talking is one thing, but this is ridiculous.

    What are your thoughts on this, Stanceworks members? I'd like to hear what you all have to say...

  • #2
    its nice to imagine everyone could get along, since we all love modifying cars, but thats just not how it works. some people are vindictive, arrogant, one-eyed, jealous, etc.

    all one can do is try and weed out the douchebags, but with big events, thats gonna be hard to do.


    • #3
      i think the organizers should be informed of this incident. Even if its an all exclusive euro event, it should not give them the right to throw beer at peoples projects no matter what make and i would inform the organizers of whats going on. people like that should be banned from events such as those.

      i would lose my shit if some assholes threw stuff at my pride and joy. No respect these days.
      Last edited by Junya; 05-17-2014, 07:28 PM. Reason: EDIT: proofreading.


      • #4
        thing is.. it'll happen everywhere. people say no burn outs, yet you have hipsters doing dumb shit for 15 sec of fame. It happens any meet, its same thing as H2oi where euro vw/audi is the key yet you have all these other cars, and people who take those other cars bring other problems or issues but claim their not going to the show on sunday and its cool?. My buddy down there at sowo got his front grill stolen off of his 84' rabbit, how does that work?!? Last year at h2oi the members were complaining people left parking lot and streets trashed with beer food etc. I guess goes to show you no matter what type of car you have doesn't change the person driving it. What happened to your guy in the civic, probably did because of egos and friends getting together ganging up after a few drinks. Too many bros. sorry to hear that though.


        • #5
          I wonder if the meet would have been euro & jap if the same guys wold be ok with eachother i think yes.

          I think people nowadays are so stupid that they do what the label says. Its all whats written on facebook...if facebooks reads euro only, do what the pigeons do...vandalize cars with the fluids in your possession....stupid fucking youngsters.

          The people are so empty today, they dont know how to act on their own so they take from the system they are mindlessly swimming in, people are empty headed, lack of education, lack of reality experience. Everything is just for show, and its all empty and stupid on the inside.

          Anyway, one should respect if one drove into the euro show with a japanese ought to know there would be mixed feelings about that.
          PORSCHE turbo


          • #6
            From what I was told there was more to the story, the guy was doing burnouts extremely close to a crowd and generally acting like a jerkoff.

            I'm pretty sure there is usually a large amount of non euro makes at sowo, so I'd find it hard to believe an entire group of people there would do this unprovoked.


            • #7
              Originally posted by morghen View Post
              I wonder if the meet would have been euro & jap if the same guys wold be ok with eachother i think yes.

              I think people nowadays are so stupid that they do what the label says. Its all whats written on facebook...if facebooks reads euro only, do what the pigeons do...vandalize cars with the fluids in your possession....stupid fucking youngsters.

              The people are so empty today, they dont know how to act on their own so they take from the system they are mindlessly swimming in, people are empty headed, lack of education, lack of reality experience. Everything is just for show, and its all empty and stupid on the inside.

              Anyway, one should respect if one drove into the euro show with a japanese ought to know there would be mixed feelings about that.
              yes but lets consider that specific car tht was vandalized. yes it's a euro meet/show. but it's a show where 99 percent of the cars are "stanced". its not like it was some clapped out honda revving his little fart can at everyone or some lifted truck dude rolling coal. it's style is literally the exact same thing as the vw's there. so idk why so many so many people **** on these cars. dont they get bored of looking at the same brand all the time???

              IG: Nick475


              • #8
                And people wonder why cops are at car meets.

                𝔣𝔬𝔩𝔩𝔬𝔴 𝔪𝔢


                • #9
                  It's not just now, I remember going to h2o back in 2009 or 10 and getting yelled at on street corners for having a BMW. I'd try to pull into a meet and people would fill up all the open spots and not move when you try to pull in. Some people will always be dicks, the best you can do is ignore them an go on your way.


                  • #10
                    Alcohol fueled.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Byron View Post
                      It's not just now, I remember going to h2o back in 2009 or 10...
                      I remember this kind of shit behavior from 2000–2001, and I guarandamntee you it's been going on as long as people have been congregating in groups. Cockmonglers in 240s doing burnouts, peoples' cars getting keyed, minitruck guys dragging frame and throwing sparks all over peoples' rides, fistfights... it wasn't often it happened, but it happened often enough.

                      People are fundamentally horrible primitive animals, particularly so in groups.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Oh Damn, it's Sam View Post
                        I remember this kind of shit behavior from 2000–2001, and I guarandamntee you it's been going on as long as people have been congregating in groups. Cockmonglers in 240s doing burnouts, peoples' cars getting keyed, minitruck guys dragging frame and throwing sparks all over peoples' rides, fistfights... it wasn't often it happened, but it happened often enough.

                        People are fundamentally horrible primitive animals, particularly so in groups.
                        Don't forget about the guns! Car meets have seriously calmed down in the last 10 years, I remember when people would get shot over not paying up after a race, or when they had a disagreement.

                        Is it just an east coast thing, recently I've never seen any real **** between car meet attendees or racers.

                        𝔣𝔬𝔩𝔩𝔬𝔴 𝔪𝔢


                        • #13
                          ^ I generally tried to avoid the street races, so I never saw anyone get shot, but I did see more than one piece get pulled over some dumb shit. After the team I was associated with disbanded, I bailed from the "scene" in '05 or so, and I haven't done a show or a meet since, and frankly, I don't miss it much.

                          Probably gonna do the Leavenworth drive in a month here, and I'll bet $100 it's the same band of 95% great people and 5% dipshits that it always has been.


                          • #14
                            I'm guessing theres a 99.9% chance they were drunk (not that it makes it acceptable) but we shouldn't be surprised either. Just got back from muscle car weekend in ocean city and car bashing against imports was at an all time high (to be expected) but usually people will just drive away and thats the end of it.
                            05' ZCP M3 | ig: @justin821


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by rice4life View Post
                              Don't forget about the guns! Car meets have seriously calmed down in the last 10 years, I remember when people would get shot over not paying up after a race, or when they had a disagreement.

                              Is it just an east coast thing, recently I've never seen any real **** between car meet attendees or racers.
                              I've seen people get shot at meets here in Orlando. It's always the ricers that ruin it.

                              1989 Chevy Camaro RS | 1981 Mercedes 500SE AMG

                              Originally posted by Skraight.
                              And don't let the **** from the guy above get to you, he said he is saving up to buy a del sol lol.

