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  • the new iphone looks basass haha so I need it because I have badass tattooed on my lip hahaha

    Dude, my fitment is insane. There is a little poke in the front and it sits perfectly. The rear, well I need to cut my fenders down since I pulled them a little too much haha



    • Pics or you're lying.
      - Kielan (Key-lin)


      • Originally posted by prodigee View Post
        Pics or you're lying.
        ight ight, ill take some now. Although its dark out and will turn out shitty, but ill try to make them work just for SW




        • Damn straight you will make it work for SW.
          - Kielan (Key-lin)


          • i'm eager to see this
            Pose for the frame


            • Ahh stupid rechargeable batteries. I have to charge them for a lil. Who the fuck makes a camera that only can use kodak batteries? wtf is that.



              • Well I am guessing Kodak...
                - Kielan (Key-lin)


                • Thats stupid. Fuck it, they been recharging for two minutes. That should be long enough to take some pics haha



                  • I can almost guarantee that will be enough to get the camera to power on then, right off again.
                    - Kielan (Key-lin)


                    • to dubstep listeners (more directly to phazed.) posted this a long ass time ago on some other forum
                      |My Blog|flickr| Currently own: '96 S-10, and '97 Maxima; Soon to own: '95 S14

                      Originally posted by DuWerk
                      Drama you are like god
                      Originally posted by SwearBear
                      Lol, yes its a 5 speed manuel. I **** automatic >.< And just because its a kia doesnt mean it doesnt have guts or power. 273whp with extreamly very little done to it like less then $100 done to it.


                      • HTFU Dan.

                        I have completely gone off dubstep. I guess I just got bored of it, and the fact that pretty much EVERYONE in my school listens to it now killed it for me and think they know it even thought they only listen to one song.

                        Funny story:
                        So today this kid that I can't stand, says that he is a HUGE Sam Adams fan (the rapper, not the beer), so me being me, and knowing this kid is just full of it, ask him if he has the mix tape, he said "He has a mixtape?" This of course prompted me to be even more skeptical because in my view you can't be a huge fan of someone unless you listen to their other stuff than just their albums. So I ask to see his iPod, he as 3 songs by Sam Adams... Tab Open, Coast to Coast, and I **** College, which for those of you that listen to him, know are his 3 most popular songs. So I just went off on him, about how he only listens to mainstream music, and how he is full of it all the time, and really has no idea what he is talking about ever. Basically I tore this kid a new asshole. He hasn't said a word to me since. THANK GOD. Cross one person off the list of kids I want to never speak to again.

                        When PGP gets here, I am going to tell 5 people what I really think of them, that will hopefully get them to NEVER speak to me again.
                        Last edited by Kielan; 06-07-2010, 10:49 PM.
                        - Kielan (Key-lin)


                        • Originally posted by prodigee View Post
                          I can almost guarantee that will be enough to get the camera to power on then, right off again.
                          exactly what happened They're charging again. I just took a few shitty horrible pics that don't do justice at all. Tomorrow, once I get my car clean, I will take more detailed shots that should really show it fitment. Its amazing how sucky pics turn out with flashes at night



                          • Called it. Hahaha, built in flash pretty much always sucks major. I wanna see crappy pics anyway. Just to get an idea of what I have to look forward to tomorrow.

                            OH and how is that coffee table you were working on?
                            - Kielan (Key-lin)


                            • shitty pics that don't do justice at all:
                              That little "lip" on the tire, pokes out more then what is shown.

                              And the coffee table is all put together. The center part came out a lot less glossier then what I had hoped for. Just need to pick up some glass and put it on.



                              • Originally posted by prodigee View Post

                                I have completely gone off dubstep. I guess I just got bored of it, and the fact that pretty much EVERYONE in my school listens to it now killed it for me and think they know it even thought they only listen to one song.

                                Funny story:
                                So today this kid that I can't stand, says that he is a HUGE Sam Adams fan (the rapper, not the beer), so me being me, and knowing this kid is just full of it, ask him if he has the mix tape, he said "He has a mixtape?" This of course prompted me to be even more skeptical because in my view you can't be a huge fan of someone unless you listen to their other stuff than just their albums. So I ask to see his iPod, he as 3 songs by Sam Adams... Tab Open, Coast to Coast, and I **** College, which for those of you that listen to him, know are his 3 most popular songs. So I just went off on him, about how he only listens to mainstream music, and how he is full of it all the time, and really has no idea what he is talking about ever. Basically I tore this kid a new asshole. He hasn't said a word to me since. THANK GOD. Cross one person off the list of kids I want to never speak to again.

                                When PGP gets here, I am going to tell 5 people what I really think of them, that will hopefully get them to NEVER speak to me again.

                                Im glad im the only one that even knows about dubstep in my school

                                lol thats to funny. I freakin love doing that to people, Fuckin fanboys these days....just so fun to let there feelings down when they think they know it all
                                |My Blog|flickr| Currently own: '96 S-10, and '97 Maxima; Soon to own: '95 S14

                                Originally posted by DuWerk
                                Drama you are like god
                                Originally posted by SwearBear
                                Lol, yes its a 5 speed manuel. I **** automatic >.< And just because its a kia doesnt mean it doesnt have guts or power. 273whp with extreamly very little done to it like less then $100 done to it.

