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  • Bah.. i just use mouse n board... not bad if i dont say so myself haha
    Originally posted by anth
    Lucky they didn't come into your house and disrespect your whole family.


    • haha. I'll probably buy one once I get my job this summer. And the only way I'd get LFS without the wheel is if I had an external hardrive. ha
      |My Blog|flickr| Currently own: '96 S-10, and '97 Maxima; Soon to own: '95 S14

      Originally posted by DuWerk
      Drama you are like god
      Originally posted by SwearBear
      Lol, yes its a 5 speed manuel. I **** automatic >.< And just because its a kia doesnt mean it doesnt have guts or power. 273whp with extreamly very little done to it like less then $100 done to it.


      • Well today was awesome, it was Senior Skip Day so me and 3 other friends went to Six Flags New England had a blast, then went back to my friends house for a pool party that was epic. All around I have had an epic weekend, and it can only get better from here.
        - Kielan (Key-lin)


        • ive been drunk all weekend. Pretty good pregame for beachweek next week.

          04' 350z
          89' s13 Coupe - Sold


          Originally posted by Kielan
          That would liven things up a bit. I could go for a shooting right now.


          • Sounds like you have a very good time ahead.
            - Kielan (Key-lin)


            • I probably won't remember most of next week. Fuck yes!

              04' 350z
              89' s13 Coupe - Sold


              Originally posted by Kielan
              That would liven things up a bit. I could go for a shooting right now.


              • omg speaking of school. Today was the funniest day ever. Today at lunch, the seniors did a prank I was lmaoing so hard. we're walking to a place to eat (its one huge area that has fast food restaurants so we can go eat), and so were a bunch of kids. Then I see water splashing from behind and I see some truck haulin ass with a bunch of seniors in the back of a dodge without their shirts on. So me and my friends are like whatever. Then all of a sudden I see my friends start running and I turn around. I see a bunch of people running and a truck hauling ass towards us and. I.FUCKING.HAUL.BALLS. I didn't think I was that fast. One of my friends is true black and he's like the fastest guy ever...I actually passed his ass. I'm running along this long stretch of little stores and I feel like im in an action movie..I hear water balloons splashing behind, i see a truck right next to me keeping up with seniors screaming, and all I see is a blur of things cause I'm haulin balls.

                I run inside Burger King along with my friends behind me. We eat there blah blah. Then when were getting to leave, I see the truck coming back cause they had left to reload. Me and my black friend, Patrick, stepped outside and they were about to get us so we closed the door. They parked right in front of my friend patrick starts messing with them by opening the door and they start revving there engines. So the truck starts to leave slowly after a while and out of nowhere you just see patrick DIP. The fuckin truck gassed it around.

                He hid behind a car up ahead and then I dipped hardcore. They saw me and came back for me. The first 3 water balloons missed and landed on other people. The other balloons still missed after that. So after a while they leave. I found a few water balloons that were condoms filled with Jizz and water. Funniest shit ever.

                THE END
                |My Blog|flickr| Currently own: '96 S-10, and '97 Maxima; Soon to own: '95 S14

                Originally posted by DuWerk
                Drama you are like god
                Originally posted by SwearBear
                Lol, yes its a 5 speed manuel. I **** automatic >.< And just because its a kia doesnt mean it doesnt have guts or power. 273whp with extreamly very little done to it like less then $100 done to it.


                • HAHAHHAHAHHA thats an EPIC prank, gives me an idea for ours.
                  - Kielan (Key-lin)


                  • someone drift on FM3. i've been doing it all day and i'm bored doing it alone
                    Pose for the frame


                    • I would... BUT my brother lent MY Forza to his friend today while I was gone. So I will be getting it back tomorrow/beating my brother.
                      - Kielan (Key-lin)


                      • wowwwww. i'd beat him too. damn, i got some hot cars man. friend gave me a 250 GTO and now i got 9 mill so i'm just buying a shit ton of drift cars and tunes lol
                        Pose for the frame


                        • drifting on lfs is fair lonely... unless you find someone who's happy to drift with you
                          Originally posted by anth
                          Lucky they didn't come into your house and disrespect your whole family.


                          • Today has been a GREAT day. Woke up to a phone call from the dude I work for saying I don't need to come in today. So my girlfriend came over and made me food that was awesome. Then remember that car wash that never called me back about a job? Yeah, well they finally called me back and I start tomorrow at 3. 40 hours a week = $$ Im going to try to work both jobs, but ill see how the car wash schedules me. Just when I thought the day couldn't get any better, I spent the whole afternoon putting on the style 19s and threw on my clutch stop.



                            • That's awesome. Sounds like today was a good day for SW people hahah.

                              God damn I can't wait to graduate, and go do work on this girl in Boston that I missed my chance with. Go to 512, get my camera, actually work 50 hours a week, make bank, get the new iPhone. Basically just be a boss dog.
                              - Kielan (Key-lin)


                              • Originally posted by prodigee View Post
                                HAHAHHAHAHHA thats an EPIC prank, gives me an idea for ours.
                                Were gonna do that for our prank. We were actually gonna throw balloons filled with germex, cream, or water, in the halls on the last day
                                |My Blog|flickr| Currently own: '96 S-10, and '97 Maxima; Soon to own: '95 S14

                                Originally posted by DuWerk
                                Drama you are like god
                                Originally posted by SwearBear
                                Lol, yes its a 5 speed manuel. I **** automatic >.< And just because its a kia doesnt mean it doesnt have guts or power. 273whp with extreamly very little done to it like less then $100 done to it.

