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  • I agree with you above post, had way too many of those douche bags in my school, i had s black and white photo class I took for fun, just fuckin around but I understand photography a little, all these little clowns did in the class was bitch about how their photos on their sales always come out better than the b/w film prints, took a lot of strength for me to not call out every one of them


    • Nooooo I am watching Mythbusters right now (because I am entirely too hot to sleep right now, even though I am incredibly tired). So uncomfortable, but they are about to completely destroy a perfectly fine e30 makes me want to cry.
      - Kielan (Key-lin)


      • Originally posted by wheelfetish View Post
        I took every photo and print class in highschool. Its funny when you see those girls who think taking a picture of a leaf and making it black and white is "artistic" and consider themselves a photographer.

        I use to have a canon 40d with the EF 18-55mm lens. I got some decent photos out of it but the lens really held me back. I sold it for car parts then lol.
        Ahhh Dan, never sell the photo equipment its like the other neccessity when you have a dope car. Its like going somewhere with out something to bend back the fender after you completely screw it up...
        - Kielan (Key-lin)


        • I only like b&w photography if its film. Actually film > digital erry day.



          • Originally posted by prodigee View Post
            Ahhh Dan, never sell the photo equipment its like the other neccessity when you have a dope car. Its like going somewhere with out something to bend back the fender after you completely screw it up...
            I had like 20 friends who just took pictures of my car. Plus I use to shoot skateboarding.



            • Yeah but film is just soo expensive.. I still use my Dad's old Pentax SLR from time to time, but damn being able to review the picture you just ook on screen just makes life so much eaiser and you can make small adjustments that will either make or break the image.

              But with film nothing will ever beat that sound or that quality you experienced.
              - Kielan (Key-lin)


              • Well that makes sense now.
                - Kielan (Key-lin)


                • Originally posted by wheelfetish View Post
                  automatic mode lol.
                  Yea I figured it out after I post lol

                  Originally posted by prodigee View Post
                  There are the girls at school that consider themselves "photographers" I asked them if they shot in RAW, they said "What's RAW?", I then asked them what strobes they were using because they use the school's lighting setup, and I was curious they asked me what strobes were. I then finally asked them if they knew how to adjust the F-Stop on their camera's they were like what is F-Stop and why is it important... I was shocked completely, the shots they get are mediocre yet because no one in our school that actually knows about photography does anything related to school, they win all these awards, and are thought of as "the best". They didn't even know anything about their kit lens. Yeah they only have 1 lens, the kit lens...

                  Its people like that, that piss me off soooo much cause they think they are soooooo good yet they really have no idea what the fuck they are doing. And they SUCK at editing, everything is always wayy over colored or is really crappily chopped. Ughhh I **** them.
                  omg I **** that. Im gonna try to join some class where they do photography so I can show some bitches whats up and how to take real photography.

                  Originally posted by prodigee View Post
                  Well if you get it before I come down for 512, then yeah I will come see it. I am sure Charlie won't mind haha.
                  Im prolly not gonna get my car for another month or 2 haha.

                  Im gonna ask my mom If I could go to 512 and see what she says lol
                  |My Blog|flickr| Currently own: '96 S-10, and '97 Maxima; Soon to own: '95 S14

                  Originally posted by DuWerk
                  Drama you are like god
                  Originally posted by SwearBear
                  Lol, yes its a 5 speed manuel. I **** automatic >.< And just because its a kia doesnt mean it doesnt have guts or power. 273whp with extreamly very little done to it like less then $100 done to it.


                  • Film just looks 1000000x better if you get everything right. And yeah, that was years ago lol. I never really got into it. I did get a pretty sick picture with my P&S today tho haha



                    • Originally posted by Drama View Post
                      Yea I figured it out after I post lol

                      omg I **** that. Im gonna try to join some class where they do photography so I can show some bitches whats up and how to take real photography.

                      Im prolly not gonna get my car for another month or 2 haha.

                      Im gonna ask my mom If I could go to 512 and see what she says lol
                      Do ittttt.
                      - Kielan (Key-lin)


                      • Ughhh, time to get up and start driving again


                        • Originally posted by prodigee View Post
                          Which means it has a leak somewhere so do I. Right now I think a recharge will do me just fine until I can actually afford to fix the leak where ever it may be.
                          my condenser was replaced so when they went to charge it it leaked so he said i can come back anytime for a free charge but i dont have time to swing by there
                          Originally posted by TheNeek
                          BP ain't got $#!T on StanceWorks!


                          • Duin werk in durty jersey


                            • Green onions by Booker t and the mg's look it up


                              • Ohhhh shit, Miami by big Willie on the radio, I'm stylin now

