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  • lol - Backwards, i typed it.


    • Originally posted by Minuki View Post
      lol - Backwards, i typed it.


      • I should start on studying for my upcoming exams but I am in absolutely no mood to do so.


        • Originally posted by Alexander View Post
          I should start on studying for my upcoming exams but I am in absolutely no mood to do so.
          It's got to be done, i'm afraid. I was in the same situation, just last week.


          • .detar revo is gniyduts
            - Kielan (Key-lin)


            • Oh boy RT, I have a story for you.


              • Originally posted by Kielan View Post
                .detar revo is gniyduts
                This took me entirely too long to type.
                Originally posted by NickBroderick View Post
                Oh boy RT, I have a story for you.
                Let's hear it. I am in need of a good story.
                - Kielan (Key-lin)


                • Well, Kielan, I'm a terrible story teller but here goes!

                  I work with a girl who's 21 and has two kids. The guy she's with, who is the father of the children, she hates. The only reason they're together is because of the kids and it makes for a terrible situation and lots of complaining from her when we work together. She always tells me her problems at home, so I'm sort of "that guy" to her, which I don't mind at all.

                  Back in October her boyfriend broke into an abandoned warehouse of sorts with his older brother to steal copper pipes to sell for money I assume. They got caught and both ended up in jail (lol). So she comes to work, we sit and chat and she tells me the whole story, it pisses me off because the guy is a complete moron and she's way too good for him anyway, I let her know how I feel and nearly bring her to tears, oops!

                  One night in November she randomly texts me, which was kind of odd because we've never texted before since her boyfriend was always home. We go back and forth and before you know it, I'm in her apartment making sexy time with her, while her two children are sleeping o_0. Slightly awkward, but whatever, I was getting my dick wet so who cares?

                  We do this for about a month, until her boyfriend comes home from jail right before christmas. He has court this upcoming week, so he's probably going back soon, but whatever. I just got a phone call from the girl and she said that they got into another big fight, what else is new. She asks if we can hangout and I'm like ehh I'm watching football with my dad, maybe later tonight but I doubt it. Blah blah blah, we chat for a bit then I go back inside to tend to my pizza that's getting cold and my beer that's getting warm.

                  THEN, I get another call from her. I answer and she says hold on, hands the phone to someone and all of the sudden I'm talking to some guy. I'm all wtf and he's all "yo what the fuck is going on with you and her." I say woah woah woah back the fuck up, who are you and wtf are you talking about. He claims it's her boyfriend, but her boyfriend is white and this guy sounds black and is talking a little more "ghetto" than her boyfriend does, I call him out on it but he insists it's him. I tell him nothing is going on and then he tries to tell me I sent her texts about "wanting to put her to bed", that never happened so I told him I'm hanging up, which I did. I don't deal with drama, especially on this level.

                  What. The. Fuck.


                  • Ending wasn't nearly as epic as I thought it would be. Just saying. I was hoping for massive fight scene, explosions, you know the whole shabang.

                    But seriously, sounds to me that she should just leave the guy... I mean there is something called child support, so she would still get money for the kids, sure the kids grow up with out daddy around (he is in prison anyway so what the hell does that matter), but it would be a hell of a lot better than the situation she is in now, and the kids won't have to be around a situation that is only hurting them, and then they themselves are less likely to become fuck ups later in life too.

                    Tell this chick to watch some lifetime movies, pretty much all of them have a plot similar to this one. Then she will see what she has to do. If not tell her to have her mother or someone close to her, help care for the kids, and then you can tap that on the side (gotta make sure you get something outta dealing with this shit). And BOOM everyone is happy, psycho dad is out of the picture, kids get education, go to college, meet the "perfect person" for them, have kids, grow old and die happy together.
                    - Kielan (Key-lin)


                    • I tell her that everyday.

                      When he goes back to jail, she's leaving him for good. She's told him to gtfo, but he has nowhere else to go so he just stays...

                      I don't think I'll be dealing with her anymore though, that's enough BS for me.


                      • Originally posted by Kielan View Post
                        Tell this chick to watch some lifetime movies, pretty much all of them have a plot similar to this one.

                        But Kielan is right.

                        Originally posted by Longboarding_G
                        you sir, win this battle.
                        “Producing something of quality is obsessing over details nobody sees.”


                        • Is she hot though? I mean I'm guessing so cause you banged her...

                          - Kielan (Key-lin)


                          • She's cute. Very small, but cute. No pictures, she doesn't have a facebook.


                            • Well, at least you got some.


                              • Anyone here watching the Barrett- Jackson Auction on Speed right now?

