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  • fucking power goes out like every day now. wtf?
    Website | Facebook | Instagram @Broadway_Static


    • i don't want to brag or nothing but i'm pushing 25+ tickets in 5 or 6 different counties and multiple states and have 3 or 4 suspensions to boot. at one point it got so bad on insurance costs that i actually started printing up my own fake insurance cards (started selling them too LOL). it is possible to have supervision in 3 counties or more at the same time so keep that in mind if you want some legal advise from someone that still obtained his class A cdl after all this & never paid a lawyer once, pm me. i figured out the traffic court tricks early in life

      the fun part of this are cops faces when they pull my record and 4 or 5 pages come up
      Last edited by chev_chelios; 05-04-2010, 07:41 PM.

      vagina, it's what's for dinner.


      • Beat me...

        4 years of license.

        1 fine for parking in the wrong spot


        • Originally posted by chev_chelios View Post
          i don't want to brag or nothing but i'm pushing 25+ tickets in 5 or 6 different counties and multiple states and have 3 or 4 suspensions to boot. at one point it got so bad on insurance costs that i actually started printing up my own fake insurance cards (started selling them too LOL). it is possible to have supervision in 3 counties or more at the same time so keep that in mind if you want some legal advise from someone that still obtained his class A cdl after all this & never paid a lawyer once, pm me. i figured out the traffic court tricks early in life

          the fun part of this are cops faces when they pull my record and 4 or 5 pages come up
          Please share some info on what you think I should do..
          - Kielan (Key-lin)


          • Well, you and I both would use a select choice of words to really describe how we feel but that wouldn't get ya far haha. I don't have any good advice to give, I've never really had to fight hard for my tickets. I get lucky because I have a clean record really. It all depends on the judge man and how he feels at that point and time and how strict he is.
            Pose for the frame


            • Originally posted by chev_chelios View Post
              i don't want to brag or nothing but i'm pushing 25+ tickets in 5 or 6 different counties and multiple states and have 3 or 4 suspensions to boot. at one point it got so bad on insurance costs that i actually started printing up my own fake insurance cards (started selling them too LOL). it is possible to have supervision in 3 counties or more at the same time so keep that in mind if you want some legal advise from someone that still obtained his class A cdl after all this & never paid a lawyer once, pm me. i figured out the traffic court tricks early in life

              the fun part of this are cops faces when they pull my record and 4 or 5 pages come up
              It's better to get the cases thrown out and not have anything on your record. And what did the arresting officers say when they looked up the fake insurance cards?

              Oh, and btw, with a clean record, you can play the "bitch-card".

              On more than 3 occasions the officer was going to cuff me, take me in, and impound my car for reckless driving (nothing serious, just straight line speed + a little wide weaving around traffic, not through traffic). If you have glasses, just start crying like a little bitch and when they ask if you have priors, I just said no (minus a "speeding under condition", which I played off as being in a "no-fault" accident).

              Originally posted by Sun_Tze View Post
              Beat me...

              4 years of license.

              1 fine for parking in the wrong spot
              You Sir... win at being responsible.

              I'm starting to get sick of wasting gas going to court ect.

              Originally posted by Ezze90 View Post
              Well, you and I both would use a select choice of words to really describe how we feel but that wouldn't get ya far haha. I don't have any good advice to give, I've never really had to fight hard for my tickets. I get lucky because I have a clean record really. It all depends on the judge man and how he feels at that point and time and how strict he is.
              Well, I liken going to court like hunting for bears, you want to bring as much ammunition as you can possibly get your hands on.

              I would say write up a script with at least five strong motions to dismiss your case. And 3 times as much filler motions as backup plan.

              Just wear down the prosecutor, and if his/her patience wears thin and snaps at you, you can file a complaint to the state's bar association.

              Originally posted by prodigee View Post
              Please share some info on what you think I should do..
              Just go on ExpertLaw and ask.

              There are no "tricks" just ways you can turn the evidence against you, to work for you.

              Did you at least make a copy of the ticket and file for discovery of evidence against you when you sent in the ticket?
              Last edited by Atlantian; 05-04-2010, 08:31 PM.

              Originally posted by checkmate2006
              SPOCK your so young errr are you Sulu


              • 1 final down, 2 to go.



                • ive gotton pulled over once but i was inside autozone and when i came out a cop was sitting behind my car with his lights flashing
                  cop-"is this your car!?"
                  cop-"license and registration!"
                  me-"okay "
                  cop-"what was that little stunt you pulled over on school house rd!"
                  me-"i didnt pull any stunt i didnt even go near school house rd "
                  cop-"well i saw this car do a big burnout!"
                  me-"it wasnt me though i came straight down the post rd"
                  cop-"well the car looked just like this!"
                  me-"it couldnt of been me i cant even do a burnout"
                  me-"was the front fender messed up like this"(shows cop fucked up fender)
                  cop-'yeah the car looked exactly like this!'
                  me-"well i dont know what to tell you it wasnt me and i didnt even go that way so im gunna go "
                  cop-"okay?"(puzzled look on his face)
                  Oh yeah i drive a wrx which is awd lol morons
                  Originally posted by TheNeek
                  BP ain't got $#!T on StanceWorks!


                  • Dear god cops are just so retarded.
                    - Kielan (Key-lin)


                    • jeeeesh and they say women are bad drivers....

                      I forgot I got a speeding ticket coming home from VAG Fair last year, so that makes 4 in 10 yrs.
                      I've only paid the great city of Philadelphia 2 or 3 times for parking.

                      Not a bad track record I guess.


                      • Haha damn... You guys need to get better at cop spotting or slow down. I've been driving for almost a decade, I have one ticket in Oregon and that's it. The excuse for that is I thought the speed limit was higher than it was... Middle of nowhere fucking Oregon, the cop didn't wanna give me a break because he thought I was bullshitting him about thinking the speed limit was 10 higher than it was.
                        1995 AMG c36 / dirtbag.


                        • i love corrados


                          • Originally posted by .:Heather:. View Post
                            i love corrados
                            hahah cool story bro.
                            i love corrados
                            Originally posted by TheNeek
                            BP ain't got $#!T on StanceWorks!


                            • Originally posted by Iscrape View Post
                              hahah cool story bro.
                              i love corrados
                              I see what you did there.
                              - Kielan (Key-lin)


                              • :dancing banana:
                                Originally posted by TheNeek
                                BP ain't got $#!T on StanceWorks!

