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  • Sup guys.

    Been going to the gym a lot recently, starting to feel the benefits.


    • Originally posted by Kielan View Post
      I wouldn't say its nearly as bad as when he got fired, and it was kind of expected. But there are many people who are upset about it, and it was an open service, anyone can come so tickets were open to the entire internet. That said, I'm disappointed I won't be able to go because it is one of those things that will never happen again, and regardless of what he didn't do, Joe still did do A LOT for this university.

      And last time Westboro said they were going to picket something, they didn't show, so I'll take that with a grain of salt.
      well, he was a decent coach. he did deserve to go out with a bang for helping so much with the penn state program.

      Westboro is the biggest bunch of idiots ive ever heard try to explain themselves anyway.

      Email | Website | Facebook | Instagram @Broadway_Static


      • I heard JoePa would have lived if he told the doctor he had cancer earlier, rather than just telling his boss and assuming that would be enough.

        ...He was one hell of a college football coach, though. As a Big 10 alum, I can't deny that fact.

        Originally posted by Oxer
        I'm pretty sure I will molest any exhaust systems you leave lying around


        • Originally posted by FluidMotorUnion View Post
          I heard JoePa would have lived if he told the doctor he had cancer earlier, rather than just telling his boss and assuming that would be enough.

          ...He was one hell of a college football coach, though. As a Big 10 alum, I can't deny that fact.

          Email | Website | Facebook | Instagram @Broadway_Static


          • Morning everyone.

            IG: PavelKostyurin


            • Originally posted by Jesus Christ View Post
              well, he was a decent coach. he did deserve to go out with a bang for helping so much with the penn state program.

              Westboro is the biggest bunch of idiots ive ever heard try to explain themselves anyway.
              Meh, I never really cared much about what him (insert douche comment here), and the football program had little do with why I even came to this school. But over the past few days its really been brought to my attention how much he had done for this school. He's done a lot, should what happened in the Sandusky shit be forgotten because of it? Absolutely not, but it's one of those things I guess where people will look at his goods and not the bads.

              Although it does frighten me how many people are saying that you should forget all about that and just look at the good. It really makes me worry about people when they say shit like that.

              And yes, westboro is the biggest group of retards on this planet.
              - Kielan (Key-lin)


              • All this football talk...i have no idea whats happening


                • Originally posted by FluidMotorUnion View Post
                  I heard JoePa would have lived if he told the doctor he had cancer earlier, rather than just telling his boss and assuming that would be enough.

                  ...He was one hell of a college football coach, though. As a Big 10 alum, I can't deny that fact.
                  - Kielan (Key-lin)


                  • Originally posted by Minuki View Post
                    Sup guys.

                    Been going to the gym a lot recently, starting to feel the benefits.
                    Same here with P90X. Starting to use heavier weights, and can do the Yoga and Plyometrics videos fully now.


                    • Originally posted by coconutt View Post
                      Same here with P90X. Starting to use heavier weights, and can do the Yoga and Plyometrics videos fully now.
                      is it as extreme as they make it seem in the commercials?

                      Email | Website | Facebook | Instagram @Broadway_Static


                      • Originally posted by Jesus Christ View Post
                        is it as extreme as they make it seem in the commercials?
                        If you used to be an active person and are just outta shape, the first 2 weeks can be quite tiring. But if the person isn't very athletic and becomes tired really quick, it isn't meant for them.

                        Having a workout buddy is a definite plus.


                        • Originally posted by MommysLittleMonster View Post
                          A friend of a friend. He's not a bad guy... but seriously, it's time to grow up and be a dad. It's one thing if you have a $50k/yr job where you can save while you spend, but buying car parts on unemployment royally pisses me the fuck off.

                          Glad to know my tax dollars are paying for your fucking Rotas.

                          Oh no, they're real Brides. Not sure if that makes it worse or better.

                          If you're really that mad then report him

                          Originally posted by Kielan View Post
                          Joe Pa's memorial service tickets were gone in 4 minutes...
                          I heard a snippet of that shit, heard some hoe say he was a hero....was like wtf he was just a college coach who was around forever, not like saved some orphans from a burning house.

                          Not sure if she thought that hero ment not reporting children getting raped to the police.
                          Maybe she ment hero to the pedo movement.
                          Dude... My nissan has like a v8, man.


                          • Originally posted by Jesus Christ View Post
                            is it as extreme as they make it seem in the commercials?
                            It's great if you're someone who doesn't work out or eat right.
                            Dude... My nissan has like a v8, man.


                            • P90x looks gayer than aids.


                              • Originally posted by Francois Dillinger View Post
                                P90x looks gayer than aids.
                                I think its just a bunch of calisthenics
                                Dude... My nissan has like a v8, man.

