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Hank the Tank, Rodneezy and C-Hutch's Manly Camping Adventure Time

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  • Hank the Tank, Rodneezy and C-Hutch's Manly Camping Adventure Time

    So I got inspired by one particular day. On that day, I was driving Hank down a Tennessee back road that runs parallel to a really pretty stream. They weather was beautiful, the trees cascading light across the pavement, the breeze blowing into my open windows.

    I decided I wanted to be out in nature, to go on a road trip that involved camping, and to be on the water. And I wanted to accomplish all of those things with Hank the Tank, my E28. I had done a similar trip way back when Nelson, the accord in my sig, was still my stock daily driver. Looked something like this...

    So we set off to rent another canoe. They asked for a vehicle description on the release form... I wrote "BMW" with a laugh. The guys working there looked around and asked "do you guys have everything you need to take it with you?" "Oh yeah. Straps, rope, and a saggy wooden roof rack."

    We then drove like that for a good hour to our destination on Percy Priest lake. Canoes on the roof are loud. And jiggly. Sucks to roll hard, right?

    People give you hilarious looks when you drive a bimmer down a boat ramp. All in good fun.

    We put in, packed the canoe with fishing rods and some bait, a small tent, knives, lighters, bottled water, bug spray, and an iron skillet. No lunch, no dinner, no sleeping bags, no propane stove, no lanterns. Just roughing it. Paddled out to an island maybe an acre or two in size. It was covered in drift wood and garbage, very soft and muddy, but there were plenty of trees and after cutting some branches away, a nice clearing to make camp.

    Then the tent went up...

    Then the camo (since it may or may not be private property, and camping on it may or may not be illegal)

    Sticks, axe body spray, and a lighter made the flame, and a trip to the opposite bank provided the fire pit, which gave us this.

    And it was muddy, so we used drift wood and branches to make some flooring

    Then we went out to catch some dinner. Outfitted the canoe

    And started slangin' nightcrawlers

    Catfish was unhappy.

    So we killed him, cleaned him, battered him, and pan fried him over the campfire.

    Deliciousness. There was a run-in with a hungry possum who was snackin on the catfish's head that night. So we yelled at him and he left. The night met us with rain, fear of flooding, scary possum noises, and roots / rocks at our backs while we slept. Next time, a sleeping bag is in order. I balled up a moist towel for a pillow and got at least 2 hours of sleep. Awesome. Looked like this the next morning.


    But the view from our beach was pretty nice. Had some cool little trees goin' for a swim

    We packed back up, rowed back to the ramp, and headed back to the canoe place.

    Definitely making this a yearly occasion!
    Last edited by C-Hutch; 09-06-2011, 10:30 AM.

  • #2
    So awesome. <3
    - Kielan (Key-lin)


    • #3


      • #4
        That's awesome, good thread.


        • #5
          Awesome! Next time make it 2 nights!
          Originally posted by Jesus Christ
          he mustve enjoyed that bj.

          i know for a fact you chubby bitches could suck the air bubbles out of a brake line


          • #6
            We could have done 2 nights for sure
            Photo:Konky Photography


            • #7
              You shoulda took the Prelude..

              Just sayin.



              • #8
                Nice, looks like a good time. Haven't gone canoeing-camping in a couple years.


                • #9
                  mmm theres some sexy man action in those pics!
                  Join the dark side:The Boog Build Thread


                  • #10
                    haha that is a cool story

                    @ the morning pic


                    • #11
                      deff need to do something like this someday
                      Insta Mintyhinrichs


                      • #12
                        Everyone should do this. Manly booster. Lost your job? Girlfriend bossing you around too much? Loose to many rounds on xbox? GO BE MANLY AND CAMP AND KILL SOMETHING.


                        • #13


                          • #14
                            "Where is that brain?"
                            Photo:Konky Photography


                            • #15
                              So awesome.

