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How to explain why we love cars to people?

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  • How to explain why we love cars to people?

    I had an argument with a buddy of mine and just couldn't grasp why i liked cars so much and kept going on how they are a waste of money and blah blah blah. I tried to explain why i like them so much and he just thought my argument was shitty because i kept saying he wouldn't understand.

    So essentially what i'm asking is, is it even possible to explain it to someone that just sees cars as a tool to get around?

    (hopefully i didn't miss a thread about this already)

  • #2
    Either compare it to something they like that is also useless effectively. OR don't bother, and tell them they are a faggot, and stop being friends with them..

    Worked out well for me.
    - Kielan (Key-lin)


    • #3

      I usually just laugh. I don't bother trying to explain to people why I dump thousands into a 15 year old car that at the end of the day, still sucks. They won't get it, so don't waste your time! If they can't see that it's a productive hobby, than they're retarded.

      It's love, nigga.


      • #4
        Unfortunately with stanced cars, you don't have the "wow" factor like a fast car. Not taking away from them at all, cause that's what were all here for, but anyone who isn't a believer can go ride in a fast car, and draw up a chubby (or continue their babbling faggotry, which at this point is a moot point), where with a stanced car if you go for a ride its likely less comfortable than their car, with no instant gratification (unless some loose bish screams nice wheels, and shows you her tits) that the person can see.

        With that being said, cars are absolutely my passion, a large part of my life, most of my spent extracurricular income, and take up a large part of my time. It takes someone with at least a concept of the art, form, and function that goes into transforming a "tool" into what we make them. Its really a terrible argument, I could talk for days about it, but usually I just try to explain it for a minute, and after that if they don't get it, I tell them to chill the fuck out and shut the fuck up. Sometimes dirtbike wigger motorcycle riders and shit like that are the worst.

        Going on what some others have said (after my post), not that anyone gives a flying fuck now, cause i'm a grown ass man, but when we were in high school, we were out throwing a wastegate actuator in an SRT-4, sliding around in an S14, or going to the local spot to just bullshit, while most kids were trying some new kind of keyboard duster they could shoot up their ass, or some sweet new malt liquor so they had something to talk about on Monday morning. Granted, we got a little street racing action in on the weekends (or hll whenever we could), and definitely drove like asshats, but I mean really, still to this day seems like we were more productive back then, than most our age.

        And, sports fans. Holy shit. Terrible. I like sports just as much as the next guy, but I mean I dont have OSU banners covering my walls, or a life size wall poster of Kobe bryant or some shit. Anyone who is deeply involved in being a sports nutswinger like that is usually going to be terrible to talk to about cars, ask my old roommate haha
        Last edited by Lt. Dangle; 08-17-2011, 07:29 AM.
        Originally posted by FluidMotorUnion
        Fuck Rotas, I'd rather my wheels not break apart when I drive over a watermelon seed.


        • #5
          its what i love. you got a problem with that then you can fuck off ya tree huggin faggot
          im josh. i have a supra


          • #6
            I just insult them for being gay,
            Last edited by Oxer; 08-18-2011, 01:43 AM. Reason: really?


            • #7
              yeah i don't really bother. i ask them why they follow sports with the same fanaticism. they usually can't come up with a better reason than "it's exciting," and then about how "i wouldn't understand, not being a fan."


              • #8
                Originally posted by Kielan View Post
                compare it to something they like that is also useless effectively.
                This is a good way of going about it.


                • #9
                  I'm pretty much the ONLY one out of my entire group of friends growing up that grew an interest in cars. As we all got older, most of them either got into shit ass drugs and fell off the radar or started wasting their lives trying to live up to their parents' expectations. I do what interests me everyday and I couldn't be happier, and I don't think anyone could really argue with that, seeing that's what we are taught from day one (to do what you're passionate about).

                  --Golden Boy E30 Build--

                  --My Shop: Where Passion Meets Livelihood (or tries to)--

                  --Etsy Shop--



                  • #10
                    Originally posted by CubbyChowder View Post
                    I'm pretty much the ONLY one out of my entire group of friends growing up that grew an interest in cars. As we all got older, most of them either got into shit ass drugs and fell off the radar or started wasting their lives trying to live up to their parents' expectations. I do what interests me everyday and I couldn't be happier, and I don't think anyone could really argue with that, seeing that's what we are taught from day one (to do what you're passionate about).
                    truer words have rarely been spoken.

                    i owe my passion to my dad. he was a travelling salesman back in the day when sales involved travelling to you customer, not just calling them up on your cell phone. plus he did it in germany, so his employers made quite an investment in keeping their staff safe on the road.

                    long story short, he's driven BMWs since the late 70s because they're safe. and just happen to be some of the most rewarding cars to drive. so naturally, he set his family up in the same cars with which he trusts his own life.


                    • #11
                      That is like me trying to explain the brotherhood of the US Marine Corps,unless you have been there then they will never understand.


                      • #12
                        I just say I like cars, they make me happy, the will always interest me, and why is your life so unrewarding that you gotta question what makes other people happy?
                        Originally posted by Lt. Dangle
                        Are your cigars left handed, or right handed?
                        Originally posted by Kielan
                        Debatable, I sat there uncontrollably shitting for more than 20 minutes.

                        Check my Tumblr, bitches.


                        • #13
                          I usually just go, "are you a guy? do you even have a penis..?"

                          IG: @_olliee


                          • #14
                            People are ignorant, long and short.


                            • #15
                              You could simply reply to these people : "Every passion has its ignitor. Mine was speed. What's yours?"

                              This is where it all began for most of us, gearheads.

                              Porsche Kid par DTGC1

                              I guess it sums it pretty well.

