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  • #16
    Originally posted by SeanDub View Post
    Go out, theres girls everywhere.

    Better question, why does it seem like very few people can actually pick up women. Its not that hard.
    Agreed, there are girls are in retarded abundance down here. All it takes is some confidence.
    Eatin' Babies


    • #17
      Got mine through a mutual friend.



      • #18
        Originally posted by DaRedRocket View Post
        Agreed, there are girls are in retarded abundance down here. All it takes is some confidence.

        I need to go there. because where I live they are all pregnant, or have been at some time. :


        • #19
          Get some confidence, have a little class, and you can meet them at all the listed spots. I am one ugly MoFo and my lady is beautiful. Everyone I know is like WTF? How in the hell did you do that?


          • #20
            Haha, they really are with dbags usually. Once I get the chance with a girl, it's done. The hard part is getting that chance. I need to work harder haha


            • #21
              To anyone who has a hard time meeting chicks, I suggest reading "The Game" by Neill Struass, I never had an issue getting dates, but this book opened me up to a whole new confidence and ideas that tripled my chick intake within a month. And its a hell of a good read as well.

              I work in a restaraunt, as a hair dresser, and doing tattoos on the side, so I meet chicks all the time through work. The hardest part is not dating others when I have a girlfriend.
              Last edited by BADwayz; 10-21-2009, 02:24 PM.


              • #22
                Originally posted by BADwayz View Post
                To anyone who has a hard time meeting chicks, I suggest reading "The Game" by Neill Struass, I never had an issue getting dates, but this book opened me up to a whole new confidence and ideas that tripled my chick intake within a month. And its a hell of a good read as well.

                I work in a restaraunt, as a hair dresser, and doing tattoos on the side, so I meet chicks all the time through work. The hardest part is not dating others when I have a girlfriend.
                This book is the shit. I had some guys giving me shit about not going out picking up girls anymore and i made a few bets with them. Picked up one at traffic court at the counter paying a fine and picked up one that was with a guy as i was walking out. In the 2 weeks of proving the guys wrong i had 9 different girls in 2 weeks(not much to brag about i know) but a few were call backs because it was good. I even made a bet with a girl i know i could sleep with the one at the court house in 24 hours. Made $100 in 12 hours and it was pretty sweet and not only did i make the $100 but i also had a few nights of great sex.

                If my ugly ass can sleep with 9different girls in 2 weeks you guys can pull more then that if you try.

                "Success causes envy , jealousy & hatred from the un-successful !!!! "Gregg Valentino


                • #23
                  this. you just gotta go for it folks. ive found that sugar attracts sugar.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Russell_G View Post
                    sleep with 9different girls in 2 weeks
                    Here's what I'll never understand. Is this supposed to be cool?
                    Dylan Leff -


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by SeanDub View Post
                      Go out, theres girls everywhere.

                      Better question, why does it seem like very few people can actually pick up women. Its not that hard.
                      i don't know if its only me. But I have a very peculiar problem....
                      My standards are too high. Seriously, I don't know why but I'm only attracted to the hottest girl in the room, the one who isn't ditzy, isn't a slut, has a good personality yadayada. Sometimes that really bites me in the ass. My game is only so good.

                      Example, in a month if my standard was lower I could probably pick up about 20 or so girls. This month I've only pulled about ...7 numbers I think.


                      • #26
                        i havent read that particular book you guys are talking about, but ive seen some of the advice some of these "pick-up artists" give and its a total crock of shit.

                        ig: @jonnie86


                        • #27
                          i wouldn't say i have high standards at all, i just want a girl who is not an all out party girl and doesn't mind me ramble about cars..

                          it seems i always become the "best friend" in the end with about 90% of girls i meet.



                          • #28
                            ^ dont let that happen. lol



                            • #29
                              I have a couple girls that I mess around with but wouldn't date. I feel that I have too high of standards myself. I mean I like older girls with class. Where I live that statement pretty much means I'm fucked.


                              • #30


