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  • photochop?

    hey all not sure where to post this, so here it is.

    new to this whole stance scene, and i wanna see how the missus daily would look stanced etc etc. so was hopin that someone could do a photochop of the wheels on this beast;

    onto this vehicle;

    for those playing at home, its a suzuki swift in australia..

    tryin to see if i can convince her to gert it done... so if someone could do that it would be great.

  • #2
    Im at work atm, so no PS, but my suggestion is you sell the swift and invest in a civic....

    Nothing but win if you do it hahahaha
    Originally posted by anth
    Lucky they didn't come into your house and disrespect your whole family.


    • #3
      no thanks:

      I also lowered it about as low as the civic, thought you'd like that.


      • #4
        haha oxer, yeah it prob is, but need more cash before i can do that!

        DDM - cheers dude! gives me a slight idea..


        • #5
          1. save money
          2. sell swift
          3. make money from sale
          4. buy eg
          5. ???????
          6. profit.

          All good!
          Originally posted by anth
          Lucky they didn't come into your house and disrespect your whole family.


          • #6
            haha hard to save coin when you got a 3 year old terror, and just out of a job fml :/ hopin iget this job i applied for today!

