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The Amazing Race: Fitness Thread / Work-Out Thread

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  • My weak points are my middle/rear delts, traps, and upper back. I used to lift back in the day but I never really did back and I'm paying for it now. I'm slowly getting there but I will think it's a weak point.

    The Kia has been parted.


    • Im a big dude and always had Big Legs so I generally Skip and do legs once a week Vs twice a week for everything else. I have buddies around the same weight and size as me who train legs 2-3 a week and way longer then I have and mine are Jacked compared to theirs lol
      Originally posted by Jesus Christ
      he mustve enjoyed that bj.

      i know for a fact you chubby bitches could suck the air bubbles out of a brake line


      • Yeah my legs are not really a problem, and my calves I never have to train they a pre a gift of genetics. I am just oddly disproportionate. I feel like I just have certain body
        Arts that refuse to grow and others that grow at alarming rates.

        For instance my forearms just don't want to get bigger although my biceps do. My last get huge but the middle muscles in my back don,t get defined as quickly.

        We'll it is all a work in progress but it can be frustrating.


        • Did Shoulders and Core Today, Usually its Shoulders, legs and Core But Ive Decided To cut Back on Legs to once a week Now Due to Going HAM on them when I do them. I just cant do it twice a week. Also Being in Calorie Surplus so far is great, Body Weight is staying the same and I seem to be moving up the weights in the gym already abit quicker, More energy as well. I'll probably do another Cut in a month or 2 to kill off the rest of the gut.
          Originally posted by Jesus Christ
          he mustve enjoyed that bj.

          i know for a fact you chubby bitches could suck the air bubbles out of a brake line


          • Bout to head to the gym soon. Back and bi's today. Hittin the high reps, 25-30 reps per set for 3 sets on each lift today. Really enjoying shortcut to shred this time around. Dropped 1% body fat in 5 days this past week. Calories are sub 2000. Keeping carbs moderate and running with this for a while. Seems to be working well. Once I drop below 15% bf I might looks to do something else. Would really love to get down around 12% by Christmas time.

            Right now I am 18% bf at 202 lbs.

            The Kia has been parted.


            • I wish I was that low. Im at 25% ish going by most charts. Goal is 10 by the spring.
              Originally posted by Jesus Christ
              he mustve enjoyed that bj.

              i know for a fact you chubby bitches could suck the air bubbles out of a brake line


              • First day back from vacation, first day back in the gym. Deadlift day today. Also, restocked my supply of vitamins and fish oil.

                taking a quick break, then it's time do do meal prep for the next 3 days.

                I stopped by the outdoor gym on Venice Beach in Cali to check it out and randomly caught a bikini competition. My buddy was expecting spring break or something. instead it was a typical bikini show.
                step forward
                next group
                same shit, you get the point
                Website | Facebook | Instagram @Broadway_Static


                • Ive Yet to go to a show. I was supposed to go to one Next month a friend Was training for but it got Postponed to April. Don't think I'd ever Want to Enter one, But I'd like to be in Shape to be able to so I choose.
                  Originally posted by Jesus Christ
                  he mustve enjoyed that bj.

                  i know for a fact you chubby bitches could suck the air bubbles out of a brake line


                  • no shows for me, but i want to be in the kind of shape where people will ask if i am getting ready for one.


                    • I want to try and do something by next fall. Lots of work to do by then but that'll put me at about 2 years of consistant lifting.

                      My long term goal is 10-12% bf year round at 200-210 lbs. I haven't checked lately but right now I am about 203 at 17-18%

                      The Kia has been parted.


                      • Andy your goals sound like mine lol accept maybe around 210-215

                        Traptguy Same here
                        Originally posted by Jesus Christ
                        he mustve enjoyed that bj.

                        i know for a fact you chubby bitches could suck the air bubbles out of a brake line


                        • So I don't know about you guys, but I love watching videos and learning about the older days of body building. Back when guys were't nearly as huge as people today.

                          Came across this interview of Tom Platz:

                          Thought it was pretty cool. Ended up reading a bunch of stuff about him the other night and watching some old workout videos he did. Guy was crazy, if you've ever heard of Tom Platz I'm sure it was in regards to his legs. He had some of the best wheels of all time. I think his best Olympia finish was 3rd but he's a champ in my eyes from learning about what he used to do to grow his legs.

                          There is a video of him squatting 525 for 23 reps on youtube and I've read he once squatted 225 straight for 10 minutes. In Arnold's book he says Tom Platz used to literally squat for 2 hours and then ride 20 miles on a bike. He trained with crazy weights and volume and went to failure on pretty much all of his sets.

                          Just thought it was cool and figured I'd share.

                          The Kia has been parted.


                          • Squat day! Worked up to 3 sets of 405, then 3 sets of 365 with a 2sec pause, then hammered out front squats at 250.

                            More importantly, I switched protein brands today. Cellucor shit was on sale on so I picked up a few different flavors of their Cor-performance line isolate whatever the fuck they call it. Either way, just had the peanut butter marshmallow one. Fucking good tasting. I'll keep using the other brand stuff to mix in my coffee and oatmeal since it mixes a lot thinner

                            edit - this stuff
                            Last edited by Average_Jerk; 09-03-2014, 05:57 PM.
                            Website | Facebook | Instagram @Broadway_Static


                            • I really like te COR Performance stuff too. I've had the fun fetti cake flavor, molten chocolate, cinnamon swirl, peanut butter marshmallow, mint chocolate chip, and the vanilla. All really good.

                              I did squats today as well. Still doing shortcut to shred (program has various cardio in between sets) which makes it tough to move heavy weight but here is what I did today.

                              225x5, 235x5, 245x4, and 245x4 again.

                              Then deads:

                              275x5, 315x5, and 315x5 again (really happy with these numbers. Raw lifts as well, no straps or belt.)

                              Finished up with close stance, deep leg press:

                              500x5, 590x4, and 590x4 again. Then did a drop set of 400x5 and 200 for 10.

                              Saturday will be leg extension/curl day. I'll do 4 sets of each working from 22-30 reps and finish off with a massive drop set.

                              The Kia has been parted.


                              • Originally posted by andybob View Post
                                I really like te COR Performance stuff too. I've had the fun fetti cake flavor, molten chocolate, cinnamon swirl, peanut butter marshmallow, mint chocolate chip, and the vanilla. All really good.

                                I did squats today as well. Still doing shortcut to shred (program has various cardio in between sets) which makes it tough to move heavy weight but here is what I did today.

                                225x5, 235x5, 245x4, and 245x4 again.

                                Then deads:

                                275x5, 315x5, and 315x5 again (really happy with these numbers. Raw lifts as well, no straps or belt.)

                                Finished up with close stance, deep leg press:

                                500x5, 590x4, and 590x4 again. Then did a drop set of 400x5 and 200 for 10.

                                Saturday will be leg extension/curl day. I'll do 4 sets of each working from 22-30 reps and finish off with a massive drop set.
                                I bought the Peanut Butter Marshmallow, Red Velvet Cake Batter, Molten Chocolate and S'mores

                                How is the fun fetti cake? I was on the fence about that
                                Website | Facebook | Instagram @Broadway_Static

