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ATTN WESTERN CANADA : Edmonton Season Opener

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  • ATTN WESTERN CANADA : Edmonton Season Opener

    I know there's not many Albertans on here, but I've seen some people from Calgary kicking around so I figured I would post this.

    Every year on the first weekend of May the local Forum here in Edmonton puts on a huge season opener show to start off the season. I've been the past 4 years and the turnout is always massive and diverse. That being said we could always have more low cars thrown into the mix.

    So hopefully you Alberta, Sask, and BC guys can make it out to the show, last year we had over 600 cars if I remember correctly, this year we should see more than that. It gets bigger and better every year!

    Sorry for the short notice but I figured I should post on here.

    Time: First Saturday of May: May 3, 2014. @ 6pm -

    Place: United Cycle parking lot. Just off Gateway Blvd.

    If any of you guys think you can make it send me a PM and we'll meet up!

    This is some coverage from last years show.

    And here is the info thread discussing the show in case you guys want more info
    BMW E34 V8 - Daily
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