Hey Guys,
I thought I'd put together a little tutorial for packing that will hopefully save people some hassle and headaches when it comes to shipping wheels. If this is not the right location for the thread, please let me know. Also, this is the method that I typically use. You can use alternate materials if need be and I'm not claiming any responsibility if you don't follow this properly and your customer gets damaged wheels!
Youtube Link:https://youtu.be/vM4KJqvPpM4
PDF Downloadable Link: http://bit.ly/throtldiy
This applies to wheels without tires only
Dont skimp on packaging material. This WILL bite you in the ASS if you cheap out!
Take your time Dont rush the process!
Always GET Insurance
High Quality Boxes
Shrink Wrap
0.5 thick Styrofoam
Packing Foam
Bubble Wrap
Packing Tape
COST: Apx $50 in packaging materials and $150 in shipping cost $200 TTL
DETAILS ABOUT THIS SET: In this particular instruction, I am packing a set of 16x7 OZ Fittipaldi wheels to be shipped from California to New Jersey.
I thought I'd put together a little tutorial for packing that will hopefully save people some hassle and headaches when it comes to shipping wheels. If this is not the right location for the thread, please let me know. Also, this is the method that I typically use. You can use alternate materials if need be and I'm not claiming any responsibility if you don't follow this properly and your customer gets damaged wheels!
Youtube Link:https://youtu.be/vM4KJqvPpM4
PDF Downloadable Link: http://bit.ly/throtldiy
This applies to wheels without tires only
Dont skimp on packaging material. This WILL bite you in the ASS if you cheap out!
Take your time Dont rush the process!
Always GET Insurance
High Quality Boxes
Shrink Wrap
0.5 thick Styrofoam
Packing Foam
Bubble Wrap
Packing Tape
COST: Apx $50 in packaging materials and $150 in shipping cost $200 TTL
DETAILS ABOUT THIS SET: In this particular instruction, I am packing a set of 16x7 OZ Fittipaldi wheels to be shipped from California to New Jersey.