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Latest shots. Looking for input, tips, and advice

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  • səˈprēm
    Originally posted by supercharge2go View Post
    The second one in particular looks pretty contrasty on my aluminum macbook as well as on my iMac lol. I used to use lightroom and for some odd reason it made my photos look strange as well. I switched to Cs3 and like it much better. The 3rd and 4th picture kind of look flat to me like you turned the saturation down. Just play around with them and get the hang of the editing software and you will get the hang of it. The first picture is very nice!
    the saturation levels are where i want them, but the exposure on the second pic i agree is over done, but it was underexposed greatly before, + a little too much

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  • mpower5266
    Something looks off, but I like em. If I didn't suck at editing I would offer more advice.

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  • supercharge2go
    The second one in particular looks pretty contrasty on my aluminum macbook as well as on my iMac lol. I used to use lightroom and for some odd reason it made my photos look strange as well. I switched to Cs3 and like it much better. The 3rd and 4th picture kind of look flat to me like you turned the saturation down. Just play around with them and get the hang of the editing software and you will get the hang of it. The first picture is very nice!

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  • adonis
    I think the 3rd one is slighty out of focus or focus is above the car? doesnt seem quite sharp

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  • səˈprēm
    Originally posted by supercharge2go View Post
    The first picture is spot on. The others have a strange edited technique used but it's not bad. I say watch your contrast and your blacks. You don't want to lose details in the picture by cranking up the contrast. I'm sure Mike can guide you in the right direction as far as lenses. I use a Canon but the Nikon 17-55 or 10-22 are nice lenses to shoot cars with, especially the 17-55.
    i try to never use contrast, mostly in lightroom the shadows highlights darks and lights.. but i dont really know what im doing, just moving sliders around hah

    i think my issue is the colorprofile on my white macbook differing from that of my imac differing from that of most people on their PCs.. on the macbook they look not so contrasty, but on the imac they look very contrasty

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  • supercharge2go
    The first picture is spot on. The others have a strange edited technique used but it's not bad. I say watch your contrast and your blacks. You don't want to lose details in the picture by cranking up the contrast. I'm sure Mike can guide you in the right direction as far as lenses. I use a Canon but the Nikon 17-55 or 10-22 are nice lenses to shoot cars with, especially the 17-55.

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  • adonis
    Nice shots

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  • M.Burroughs
    As I said, they're looking good! Your editing is quite unique. I think perhaps your blacks are slightly too black, but it doesn't hurt the photos. Just my personal opinion. You just don't want to lose details in the darker areas of the photo.

    Both cars are classy.

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  • bjh102
    me neither they do llok good. the first pic looks like the 5 is going to pounce on the 3 lol.

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  • SeanDub
    I'm not real into photography, but they look nice to me!

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  • Latest shots. Looking for input, tips, and advice

    posted on that other place but this forum's opinions matters much more

    i use a d40 with a kit lens that is broken and autofocus does not work on the camera.. i want to buy a new lens, i think sir burroughs has directed me the right way but im still unsure..

    tips? suggestions?