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Been Hiding out. (Vintage Mercedes inside)

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  • Been Hiding out. (Vintage Mercedes inside)

    Sneak preview of my life on hold from the forums. its been like a year since ive really been active, well ive been building an idea of a brand and business.. and a few toys, so heres a little peek, camera phone edition, since the unveiling will be epic. comments welcome

    So the Vert has been chillin.

    I did this:

    And no, it doesnt fit like this, its been adjusted. so youre welcome

    You may remember the teaser of this wheel, well here's another. This was from a local car meet:

    But for now the car has been in winter mode

    Wait for a proper shoot, im sure ya'll enjoy it. Ive been focused on work and saving money, so the vert only got a few fixes. More to come.

    As far as my other bitches..

    Ive been building this, but put this on hold, waiting for better weather.

    It hits 60 no problem, but i keep her around 50ish if i ever top out, cruise around 40ish.
    the end of summer itll be built around this mock up i did :

    And this is my last toy... for this year.
    You know you hear stories of people getting badass cars with a crazy story behind it? and you end up finding out they barely paid anything for it? And you think to yourself, 'Damn, its good to know people..' ..well my time finally came (yours will too! just wait!)

    Here she blows.
    A 1971 Mercedes Benz 280se. In, eh.. decent condition.

    Of course she'll be on the ground. And Im keeping it simple, and classy. Not much will change. Eat your heart out

    And as far as what ive been up to?


  • #2
    Nice work dude..
    Originally posted by anth
    Lucky they didn't come into your house and disrespect your whole family.


    • #3

      that E type!


      • #4
        beautiful E-Type!!!


        • #5
          God that E-Type makes my pants tight.
          - Kielan (Key-lin)


          • #6
            ^ truth


            Originally posted by FluidMotorUnion
            yeah it's got turbo and it looks decent stanced, but it's a fucking Neon, the survived-abortion of the 90's auto industry.


            • #7
              damn was the E type British Racing Green???


              • #8
                whats up with the w108 these days?


                • #9
                  Hey, another detailer!

                  Welcome back, love the bike... thing. What is it? I like it. The cars look good, too.

