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Bought as a daily, you know how it is - E34 525i

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  • Bought as a daily, you know how it is - E34 525i

    Ok. Just begun writing this as I finish a beer haha (no need to say that, anyway...)

    This is my "daily project" car! Yeah I admit it's a bit contradictory but you know, it is what it is.

    Some of you know me from my W126 Benz (you can find the thread in my sig btw), and even before this old girl I used to owned an E34 one or two years ago, can't remember properly...

    Anyway, back to business, I needed a new daily since the Benz is not very fuel economy friendly haha

    Looked at the local classified and fell in love again: I bought another newer, stronger and healthier E34 one week ago

    So here it is the day I bought it, it's a '94 525i, Dark Green/ Beige leather interior, and as stock as a car can be!

    It needs a little (a lot !) cosmetic TLC haha, but mechanically speaking, she's close to perfect (which means jumping in the fun right away haha)

    Just took a pic of the milfs together

    And speaking of fun, I ordered coilovers just after one week of ownership, so the thread starts here!

    There are some D2 Racing Street coils, sold by a French drift parts dealer.

    They can weld the struts for me if I send those to them, and they're sending back a plug and play set of e34 coilovers 10 days or so later!

    So I begun the struts removal and I'll send them to their shop tomorrow.

    This pic made me smile because of this strange déjà-vu feel

    Well, that's it for now guys ! Excited to have an E34 again and to share it with you.

    I'll be updating in like 10 days when I'll have the new coils in hand!

    Last edited by Laef; 10-20-2016, 11:40 AM.
    '86 W126 420SE

    '94 E34 525i

    Follow me on IG : @mrlaef

  • #2
    Maaaaan I'm so jealous, the e34 is probably my favorite lookin bm chassis

    who knows maybe i'll pick one up some time


    • #3
      coilovers already haha love it!


      • #4


        • #5
          That interior, hopefully good things will happen with this one as well.

          Building a W124 Benz


          • #6
            Bienvenue collègue de l'hexagone !! Je vais suivre de pret ton projet

            Belle E34. It's more and more difficult to find one in good condition


            • #7
              Originally posted by Mehowski View Post
              Maaaaan I'm so jealous, the e34 is probably my favorite lookin bm chassis
              Yeah me too man! Somehow back to my first love haha

              who knows maybe i'll pick one up some time
              You wouldn't hide something like that from us would you?

              Originally posted by parttimeprojectionist View Post
              coilovers already haha love it!
              Originally posted by trm- View Post
              Originally posted by Jorgen View Post
              That interior, hopefully good things will happen with this one as well.
              Thanks guys! Yeah that was pretty quick haha, it was a weird feeling to drive a monster truck so I had to!

              Hope I'm gonna find something cool to do with this as well haha

              Originally posted by AuToPsie View Post
              Bienvenue collègue de l'hexagone !! Je vais suivre de pret ton projet

              Belle E34. It's more and more difficult to find one in good condition
              Merci mec ça fais plaisir de voir des français ici un peu! J'adore ta 106, ça à l'air super marrant comme caisse!

              "Thanks dude, pleasure to see some frenchies here! Love your 106, looks like a super fun ride!"

              Also, little update, stripping the front struts took me forever so I'm posting them today haha

              '86 W126 420SE

              '94 E34 525i

              Follow me on IG : @mrlaef


              • #8
                and now, ladies and gentlemen, we wait


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Mehowski View Post
                  and now, ladies and gentlemen, we wait
                  Yessir, will be the hardest part haha
                  '86 W126 420SE

                  '94 E34 525i

                  Follow me on IG : @mrlaef


                  • #10
                    What's up guys!

                    I suppose you already know what's going on as I post this

                    Well, why not jumping into it right away and explain how after: here's what my "daily" look like right now.

                    So, for those who already follow me on insta, you know I received my plug and play coils yesterday. Just before getting into it, I took a pic of my fucking filthy hood after the few mud rains that we had haha...

                    During the installation

                    Already feeling the lows coming

                    Took the usual "hit them switch" pic haha

                    Then I did the rears: Out with the old, in with the new...

                    Checked the front camber adjustment

                    And took her for a test drive

                    Pretty happy with the result, now just need to let them settle and play with the hard/soft settings.

                    The coilovers are all the way down in the rear, and I can lower the front more, about 2cm.

                    Next step is finding nice wheels!
                    '86 W126 420SE

                    '94 E34 525i

                    Follow me on IG : @mrlaef


                    • #11
                      how do they ride? probably going to be looking for a set of E34 coils to slap on my E32 for some lows


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Laef View Post
                        I can lower the front more, about 2cm.
                        Do it now!

                        Originally posted by Laef View Post
                        Next step is finding nice wheels!
                        Hurry up!

                        And wash it


                        • #13
                          Nice! What wheel size are you planning for it?


                          • #14
                            Laef mate this is nuts! Absolutely love the E34 and it sits so well man, you da man


                            • #15
                              Again on the BMW, that's what I like, keep up.

