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john deer e30 on oz breytons from australia

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  • john deer e30 on oz breytons from australia

    hi everyone, my names Zane and im from Australia. After looking on stance works for nearly 5 years i thought i would share my first ''proper'' build with use all. I've had 3 e36's in past and recently I've now moved onto building a E30 for drifting.

    first things first i will give use a run down on the cars I've built
    sorry for the shitty iPhone pics in advance

    (i didn't pass English in school so hopefully everyone can keep up with my retardation)

    first e36 on series 2 breytons
    AA stage 1 supercharged 328i

    second e36 on series 2 breytons

    3rd on oz breytons series 1

    okay now we have covered that lets get on with the e30 build and the road to matsuri!

    the e30 has always had a special spot in my heart and i knew one day i would have liked to build one. after looking at them for quite awhile and being talked into by a couple of mates i decided id pull the trigger on a 89 318i.

    when i first picked her up

    the plans was after i brought it i was gonna keep it registered, 5 lug swap, coilovers ,weld the diff and go have some fun in the mountains until the m40 popped... well that's where things stopped.

    One week later i had the compact trailing arms and front 328i front rotors and knuckles sitting in the shed i got off a mate. So up went the e30 onto jacks stands where it would sit for nearly 7 months

    At this point in time i didnt have lights in the shed so i was limited to only getting work done on the weekends.There are alot photos i didnt get of the build so alot of the progress will skip dramatically.

    2 weeks went buy and i had ordered some more parts for the 5 lug swap and also some ''super low'' fortune auto coilovers in 12k-14k setup

    srs concept lollipops
    super-style garage extended control arms

    while i was installing all that stuff i was looking at more things to buy. Couple of weeks went by with not much progress other then stripping the interior.

    I then made a stupid and rash decision to enter matsuri witch was 5 months away. hmm great! now it puts the car on a deadline witch it has to be able to drive and slide in 5 months.

    plans were
    2x sparco seats
    hydro handbrake
    nardi steering wheel
    odp over fenders
    m5x motor.
    roll cage
    paint interior
    takata harness
    4'' lip for the rear of breytons

    And lastly a Tow car!. One week later i was on the hunt for a tow car. BAM straight away found one i liked

    i encountered my first problem.. 24 hours after buying the car i noticed it wanted to overheat. sussed it out a little bit and found what the problem was straight away!

    found that the radiator was pressure rising with exhaust gasses and pushing coolant out the overflow bottle. me being the trust worthy person i am thought the dude was genuine and everything was sweet with the car. obviously not, that then begin about a month process of trying to work out what the fuck to do with it as i just put 11k down the hole and i was absolutely ****** cars at this point . i made the decision to forgot about it for time being and concentrate on getting the e30 ready.

    finally got around to getting some parts ordered and some shit done!!

    m40 out with the help of my best mate

    after having spent so much money i could only afford one seat

    nardi steering wheel

    4'' lip and gold hardware for the breytons

    in the mean time of all this happening i was shopping around for a m5x engine. finally one came up for sale out an e34 with a ZF bolted to it! jumped straight on that and went and picked it up

    Denis finally released the odp fenders to the world. i had to jump on them straight away as obviously stock fenders wouldnt work with the 4'' lips

    sneek peek before i ordered fenders. wish i had took more photos

    Photo time!

    Couldn't help myself and had to get the car on the ground

    later that week i called a fella i used to go to school with who does a lot of fibreglass work on old Holden race cars to come over and give us a hand to mount/cut and get taken away to get painted.

    Finally got some tyres mounted, misses, dog and 4 wheels in the back of a Mazda 2 doesn't go down very well, sorry mate!

    got wheels on and rolled it out of the shed for its first wash since i purchased it

    After spending so much money over those past couple of weeks i was left with zero$$$ in my account, a week or 2 went by and i was stressing about still having so much money to spend motor wise to get the thing running. i still needed to refresh everything on the motor to make sure everything was new, get all engine mounts and gearbox mounts etc.... FUCK!!!. i started getting a list of everything i needed from companys and was about to place an order from ecs tuning, revshift and so on! the next afternoon a mate came over to stop me from stressing, he gave me a offer on a motor i couldn't refuse! SR20DET..... let the john deer noises begin!

    The motor was sitting in a car he was gonna build for about 4 years, out it came

    i had ordered a button clutch and gotten a hold of every part that seem to be missing. Then came the part of putting the motor in and making up some mounts. All the fabrication side of things i cant take any credit for. i had already learnt a lot and i was about to learn a lot more.

    went down to an auto parts store and grabbed some engine mounts that would work and then the fabrication began

    couple of weeks went by and nothing really got done on the car. me and a mate were way to busy with work and i had lost a bit of motivation in it! At this point i was really having doubts about whether it would be ready for matsuri. Couple of things got done, intercooler piping and intercooler mounted.

    After being at a mates house for couple of weeks to get everything fabricated i finally got it back home and was time to get my ass into gear!. with a help from a few mates on some weekends and afternoons we got some shit done. at this stage matsuri was 5 weeks away and the car was still further away from being started to where i would have liked!

    i finally got my over fenders back and oh boy was i happy with the outcome! i would like to tuck rim so the only bad thing is ill have to downsize in lips as there just to aggressive for my liking and looks silly!

    We were a month out from matsuri and the car was finally ready for wiring!

    A mate of mine who is a walking BMW encyclopedia came over and wired the car up. after 6 hours of wiring it was time for the car to start, cranked it over and it only wanted to run on 1 cylinder? WHYYYY!!!. grabbed the multi meter and test light and started trying to solve what the problem was. We were getting 12v across all the injectors so we thought it could have been problems with the ecu? 2 days later i got a ecu, plugged it in and was still have the same problem? hmm weird. took fuel rail off and turned the car over and only one injector was working? took them in the next day and got them flushed and found out 1 injector was stuck open and the other 3 were working fine? FUCK SAKE! now this was starting to do my head in. matsuri was closing in fast and i pretty much lost a week being stuck on a stupid problem.

    I couldn't afford to waste anymore time and put it down to wiring! i took the sr loom to a wiring guru and i picked it up 3 days later with every wire i needed to power the sr from the e30 body loom. Got the loom home and hooked it all up and i was still having the same problem! by this stage i was throwing spanners across the shed and about to put a couple of dents in the car! a week went by with having lost all motivation on the car i decided to go out in the shed one last time see if i could find the problem. i was having no luck and by this stage i was about to throw the towel in. at 10pm that night i got phone call from my mate saying " i know it sounds stupid but double check your fuel lines" i thought to myself " there is no way i put them on backwards" ...well wasn't i wrong!!! within 5 minutes i had changed the lines around and i heard the car run on all cylinders for the first time. Was probably the happiest moment of my life but i was also really pissed off and embarrassed with myself! HOW COULD I GET THAT WRONG!

    It was now 3 nights until matsuri, i had heard the car fire on all cylinders so now it was full steam ahead! i knew i was in for couple of late nights to get the thing finished but i was ready for whatever was thrown at me. mate came over and helped me for those 3 nights until it was ready for matsuri. Still had alot of things to do!

    Friday night rolled around and the car still wasn't ready! i was supposed to be out on track at 8am Saturday morning! got to work on it straight away. finally closed the shed at 1;30am and got some sleep!.

    Wake up the next morning and the car still hasn't ran for more then 10 seconds. drove it out of the shed and gave it little squirt up the road but the car would only rev to about 3000rpm!! oh well by that time it was time to get the car loaded on the trailer and we would have to figure it out at the track! i should be drifting in an hour until 10pm that night and all day sunday! great!

    unloaded the car and got to work on trying to sort out what the problem was straight away.

    8 hours went by and we still weren't having any luck, we tried everything! we knew it was gonna be something stupid! we were right! the alternator wire to the battery was to small to provide constant voltage when the car wanted to come on boost and rev out to limiter! by that stage it was to late to get on track so i got it ready for first thing Sunday morning

    hope everyone enjoyed the read and hopefully have some more updates in the next couple of weeks!

  • #2
    Nice cars mate, you should use higher resolution pics though. Subbed


    • #3
      I actually expected something green on yellow wheels. I'm dissapointed.
      Daily: 2004 Pontiac GTO. . . . . . . . . Daily Econobox: 2009 Mini Clubman Cooper
      Originally posted by LCG
      High 21! It's like a high 5 but includes both hands, both feet and a boner.


      • #4
        Originally posted by loekaaz View Post
        I actually expected something green on yellow wheels. I'm dissapointed.
        Im not sure if its immediately apparent but Australians make fun of SR20s because they sound like a tractor motor and are best used for agricultural activities


        • #5
          What an adventure haha. Don't feel too bad about getting the fuel things around the wrong way. I have a mate who when we was reinstalling his oil cooler accidentally got those fittings around the wrong way and starved his motor, ouch.

          Originally posted by wakdog View Post
          Im not sure if its immediately apparent but Australians make fun of SR20s because they sound like a tractor motor and are best used for agricultural activities
          I'm from Aus and I didn't get this lol. I knew people thought SRs sound shite but didn't connect the dots to John Deer


          • #6
            Originally posted by loekaaz View Post
            I actually expected something green on yellow wheels. I'm dissapointed.
            '91 525i - somewhat project
            '98 528i M Sport
            '89 325i saloon stock manual - RIP 😭
            '03 X5 3.0i - daily
            '88 325 Super ETA - project

