Here is some of the progress of my car over the 3 years I have owned the car.
First ever photo I took
This was the car when I first had it. On coil overs, fairly high. De-badged grill, and Lenso BSX alloys with tinted rear 9n lights.
Firstly I wanted to put a standard grill back on since the bonnet wasent smoothed.
Since we had these blacked out 9n/3 rear lights in the shed I thought id put them to use aswell as colour coded the car.
I also picked up these votex sideskirts super cheap. £20! no jacking covers but totally worth and covers a dent in my sill.
Smaller mods were also done such as tablet mount gearknob homemade gaiter etc..
Also got round to colour coding the sidestrips
Then I cut down a Ford Focus ST mk2 splitter with the help of my dad to compliment the sideskirts
Finally changed up the wheels, ended up getting 3sdm's 0.05 staggerd 8/9 which took some work to fit along with lowering the car.
Arches rolled and camber added to the rear with the help of a mate.
My dad was also looking into setting up a hydrodipping business so used my car for testing such as engine cover and badges..
I then came across these for sale. I have always been a fan of these wheels and they were going for a steal. I couldn't give up the opportunity so I quickly sold the 3sdm's and bought these. They weren't in perfect condition but I was super happy I got them. Advan SA3's
Soon after I jacked the car up and cut the helpers out as it wasn't sitting quite level.
So my plan over winter was to refurb the Advans and get them looking how i want them. I managed to pick these up for an absolute steal. Audi A5 alloys i got for £62 off ebay :') with tyres (even though they were balloons). I swapped the tires off from the advans and put them on these while quickly spraying them primer grey as they were alitte rough.
Worked started on the refurb..
Also took off the bumper strips all round because I did a shoddy job first time round. This time im sanding back the plastic texture and also smoothing the front recess for the numberplate. Here is some progress. I am also colour coding other sections too while im at it as well as repairing some damage to the front bumper from previous owner.
primered for paint..
And here is the colour I decided to go for. Its a deep candy red. In total there are 14 coats on the centers.2 primer filler coats, 3 primer coats, 3 silver basecoats, 3 deep candy red coats and 3 coats of lacquer. Pictures dont do them justice but they have so much depth in person and when they are under sunlight
Also did my best on refurbishing the center caps and also matching the colour of the centers too for those extra details.
First ever photo I took
This was the car when I first had it. On coil overs, fairly high. De-badged grill, and Lenso BSX alloys with tinted rear 9n lights.
Firstly I wanted to put a standard grill back on since the bonnet wasent smoothed.
Since we had these blacked out 9n/3 rear lights in the shed I thought id put them to use aswell as colour coded the car.
I also picked up these votex sideskirts super cheap. £20! no jacking covers but totally worth and covers a dent in my sill.
Smaller mods were also done such as tablet mount gearknob homemade gaiter etc..
Also got round to colour coding the sidestrips
Then I cut down a Ford Focus ST mk2 splitter with the help of my dad to compliment the sideskirts
Finally changed up the wheels, ended up getting 3sdm's 0.05 staggerd 8/9 which took some work to fit along with lowering the car.
Arches rolled and camber added to the rear with the help of a mate.
My dad was also looking into setting up a hydrodipping business so used my car for testing such as engine cover and badges..
I then came across these for sale. I have always been a fan of these wheels and they were going for a steal. I couldn't give up the opportunity so I quickly sold the 3sdm's and bought these. They weren't in perfect condition but I was super happy I got them. Advan SA3's
Soon after I jacked the car up and cut the helpers out as it wasn't sitting quite level.
So my plan over winter was to refurb the Advans and get them looking how i want them. I managed to pick these up for an absolute steal. Audi A5 alloys i got for £62 off ebay :') with tyres (even though they were balloons). I swapped the tires off from the advans and put them on these while quickly spraying them primer grey as they were alitte rough.
Worked started on the refurb..
Also took off the bumper strips all round because I did a shoddy job first time round. This time im sanding back the plastic texture and also smoothing the front recess for the numberplate. Here is some progress. I am also colour coding other sections too while im at it as well as repairing some damage to the front bumper from previous owner.
primered for paint..
And here is the colour I decided to go for. Its a deep candy red. In total there are 14 coats on the centers.2 primer filler coats, 3 primer coats, 3 silver basecoats, 3 deep candy red coats and 3 coats of lacquer. Pictures dont do them justice but they have so much depth in person and when they are under sunlight
Also did my best on refurbishing the center caps and also matching the colour of the centers too for those extra details.