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UK E28 Build Wienrot Fairytale: Drift Whore to Classy Princess.

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  • #16
    Damn that's nuts!

    @fackinsteve ; fackin build thread :


    • #17
      In for more!


      • #18
        Originally posted by fackinsteve View Post
        Damn that's nuts!
        To be fair when I first went to see it I was in denial about it being so low static, however the coilovers he had built had some seriously hard springs. The car didnt move at all and was actually not such a bad ride, was tempted for about half a day to keep it static (as its easier to get a good fitment) but I want to be able to actually use it and enjoy it so the air went back on!

        Afterall I dont want to ruin all the hard work which is going to go into this by dragging it across the floor, and now even more so because these French mountain roads are rather serious!


        • #19
          Do you still have a house and such in England and where are the cars registered?

          Would love to see them in the flesh some time next year and would be a shame if you didnt attend the UK shows haha


          • #20
            Originally posted by Mehowski View Post
            Do you still have a house and such in England and where are the cars registered?

            Would love to see them in the flesh some time next year and would be a shame if you didnt attend the UK shows haha
            No I dont Ive fully moved out to France now. The cars hopefully getting registered here soon. My other cars have been sold on and so you may see them at a show or two! Especially the passat gets around a fair bit!


            • #21
              Originally posted by Classique_Autowerks View Post
              To be fair when I first went to see it I was in denial about it being so low static, however the coilovers he had built had some seriously hard springs. The car didnt move at all and was actually not such a bad ride, was tempted for about half a day to keep it static (as its easier to get a good fitment) but I want to be able to actually use it and enjoy it so the air went back on!

              Afterall I dont want to ruin all the hard work which is going to go into this by dragging it across the floor, and now even more so because these French mountain roads are rather serious!
              Thats pretty much how I feel with my build. Im going to be doing a lot of work and i dont want to totally ruin it but I dont want to be on air, so I need to figure a happy medium out. Which will be difficult since the M30 pan hangs so low!

              @fackinsteve ; fackin build thread :


              • #22
                Originally posted by fackinsteve View Post
                Thats pretty much how I feel with my build. Im going to be doing a lot of work and i dont want to totally ruin it but I dont want to be on air, so I need to figure a happy medium out. Which will be difficult since the M30 pan hangs so low!
                Exactly! mines raised by 20mm but still sits really low! Problem I have is when I have a static car It starts low, then a bit more, then a bit more... Then I start breaking stuff and get sick. Or its to much of a pain on the roads.

                Id rather not!


                • #23
                  Okay so time for a few more tales to the story to get you guys caught up!
                  Hope all you guys had a great festive period wherever you are in the world.

                  So we left our story when the air got put onto the new e28. Shortly after the black one was sold and on to the new owner. Swapped some parts over and the style 5's of course.

                  The video below was the trail just after I had finished the lot. This setup was when I had a 2 way solenoid system (which as you will learn later) shat itself not so long after.

                  DOWNLOAD VIDEO HERE

                  And a cheeky wash thanks to the girlfriend:

                  Another view having a bask in the sun:

                  Little update for you there! Back soon
                  Last edited by Classique_Autowerks; 01-04-2016, 04:31 AM.


                  • #24
                    Love me an e28 but here in Greece it is really difficult to find a clean shell.Keep it up.


                    • #25
                      Hello all, I recently found a long lost SD card which had quite a few snaps on from when I first got the E28, I have tried to intergrate them into the build so those that have read before can go back and have a little snoop if your interested!

                      Anyways time I think for a little more for our tale!

                      After running the style 5's for a while I decided to change things up. I was particularly interested to see how 16's would suit with chunkier tyres etc. So I managed to pick up some bullet steels of a chevy for cheap. I worked out roughly what tyre sizes I would need ( with stretch on wide wheels) then worked around that circumfrence to get tyres for these poorly thin chevy steels. ( basically trying to work out how 16's with good specs would sit in my arches before going out and doing it.

                      So more on that, the first test:

                      My breif research told me I could pull this off quite well with some good specs and tyre setup etc.

                      Plus I had found some quite nice centers to build that I felt would look great on the E28:

                      Original 16's Autostrada Moderna 4x100 but flat backed so easy to redrill etc.

                      After they were home I went straight on to polish the faces. I lightly sanded them and after got them shining witha polishing wheel on a bench grinder and drills.

                      However these were put on the back burner as I moved house and ended up only polishing one and planning to send the others off for a polish.

                      I also decided that my money would be best spent on a few new parts and a service to get the car together a bit more over shiney wheels. But after moving house the car got left at my old place and got a bit ignored over the next few months as I was working 2 jobs.

                      More updates soon, your nearly up to speed and I can start using the Presant tense over past tense!

                      Keep it REAL!


                      • #26
                        Hello! Our tale develops further!

                        Tried the Autostrada in the bullet steels for a little better idea! But theres now a twist! - a load of reading if your interested!

                        Since I had owned the black E28 I had fallen madly in love with a gorgeous French girl that had come over to work in the hotel I worked at for a few years. Long story short we ended up getting a house in the UK and didnt like the situation so we decided on moving to FRANCE.

                        Shortly after we decided a rather nice set of wheels appeared at my house (Ive wanted a set of these since I first liked cars, the excitement was overwhelming):

                        First tryouts:

                        SO we set a date and litteraly packed my car full of all my parts, tools, etc and a van with whatever else we had and just went. Sounds simple? not when you own a classic car...

                        There was a mad rush to get the E28 ready for the trip over (due to finishing both my jobs only a week before). I got a nice mechanic friend who had her through MOT and fiuxed a few issues, wiper motor a few bulbs and a coolant leak. I did a full deep service including; filters,oils,cooling belts etc. I figured this would giver her a better chance of making the 1200KM+ Journey!

                        The weekend of our departure arrives. 3 days before we go to set off, Went to check and run the car for a little at my old place. The starter motor (or something down that way) was making really funny grinding noises. GREAT.

                        We took the starter off to see what was up:

                        Nothing too obvious turning the flywheel over, no damage just some light scoring. tested the starter and seemed all okay, put it back on to try, rather large bang and the grinding noise. SO a new starter needed. not quite as simple for our old friend e28 now. As the Engine and trans setup is completely stupid (525 engine, bored to 3ltr, with E24 gearbox and clutch setup) it was all a bit hit and miss trying to find the right starter. Tried one of my friends ones he had spare and no luck, went to the local parts shop where my friend works and we managed to measure it all up and get one SIMILAR sent next day.

                        Went home to find that the solenoids for the air had completely pooed themselves. they would let air out but not in, anyways like I have mentioned before they were old and I was going to replace, however not ideal when Ive got 3 and a half useable days before we set off... not so PERFECT...

                        My departure list looked a little like this:

                        Starter motor
                        Air Solenoid fix
                        Tyres for new wheels (no chance was I driving to France on 16's)
                        Sort the issues in the engine bay such as;
                        The radiator being held with cable ties
                        The front drivers side light almost coming off
                        Parts of wireing in the bay
                        Some vaccum pipes were not at their best.
                        Sort a EU driving kit
                        Get Insured and taxed
                        Book the tunnel and I had a load to be doing for our flat!

                        So without delay I started getting that list ticked off!!! Me and a buddy must have covered a few hundred miles just collecting all the pieces of the puzzle!

                        Spent half a day with my bank card and the laptop ordering bits for the air and whatever else I needed...

                        I ended up going for a new enclosed 4 way system (similar to airlift V2) as it would be much better in the long run in my opinion. A phone call to Only Charged Dubs here in the UK later (cant thank them enough for a great service, not the first time either!) and the manifold was on its way to me! ordered a load of fittings to get from 3/8 to 10mm lines I had in my car and whatever else I needed (as you may understand it was all a little tense to hope everything would arrive on time and work together!)

                        Set to work with everything ordered, Firstly tyres to get the wheels sorted easy!

                        Next was all the niggely bits in the bay while I waited for my starter and air ride bits to arrive:

                        After that stormed over to PURE CUSTOMS at coventry who helped greatly and sorted me some 3/8 line (quite hard to find here).

                        and started getting stuff ready in the boot for the new air manifold!

                        ran out of time for the Friday and leaving on the Sunday late morning, One more useable day to get her ready... YELP!

                        Updates SOOOOOOOOON...

                        Quite like a cliff hanger


                        • #27
                          Yessss I found your thread haha!

                          I was pretty chuffed by your IG page, now I like what I see in here, those wheels suits perfectly the e28 shapes

                          And d'you speak french already?
                          '86 W126 420SE

                          '94 E34 525i

                          Follow me on IG : @mrlaef


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Laef View Post
                            Yessss I found your thread haha!

                            I was pretty chuffed by your IG page, now I like what I see in here, those wheels suits perfectly the e28 shapes

                            And d'you speak french already?

                            Thanks! I think your right about the wheels!

                            Ive learned alot but not quite fully there yet... need some more work on that


                            • #29
                              TIME FOR SOME UPDATES!!

                              Its been a while!

                              So we left the tale open and it now must continue, the countdown for leaving had well and truley began. At this stage My departure list looked a little better for itself with most of the little jobs being crossed off:

                              Starter motor
                              Finnish air installation.
                              We still had a load to be doing for our flat!

                              Morning came, got the phone call from the parts place and the starter had arrived!
                              went down and exchanged my old one for the new one (which was much larger and heavier than the previous). However the internals matched and we set to put it back in.

                              As the body of the starter was much larger than the original you couldnt get enough room to put a spanner on the bolt to tighten it into the gearbox! it wasnt easy but with a shaved spanner and lots of swearing we got it on! a few coughs later she was alive! Great, now to just finish the air! - Didnt really get many pictures as I was litterally running around trying to get as much done as I could!

                              As the car was already all plumbed in for air it wasnt such a hard task putting the new manifold in, just a bit of tweaking, wiring and changing up the pipe sizes with all the fittings I had ordered before. All lovely! Heres a picture of the manifold here:

                              Really recommend this item as it has a great build quality for the price! They also offer a controller to go with it but since im using my window switches I oppted out.

                              And heres what it looked like:

                              Not the prettiest however I was in quite the rush by now and it will be redone at a later stage!

                              I only had time for a quick wash over the car before the sun set that evening. It was ready to depart!

                              We drove over to my house in the 28 from my parents so we could leave with it in the morning along with the van with all our shizzzlleee straight to the train. Drove fine other than a couple of wheel bolts where slightly to long in the rear and were clicking in the drums, which was later sorted with a grinder!

                              All was good, ready to depart in the morning tomorrow!

                              Catch up soon!


                              • #30
                                Looking fantastic my friend

                                @fackinsteve ; fackin build thread :

