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Operation Dirty Penny - '75 Merc 240D

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  • Operation Dirty Penny - '75 Merc 240D

    I suppose its time to open up a thread on this. Late this summer I purchased a W115 on a whim while approaching the owner at a local meet to set up a photo shoot. He ambitiously agreed and immediately mentioned that it was actually for sale. After hearing the price I was ready to go to the ATM right there in the parking lot and take out the money. Ended up sending him the money the very next morning via Paypal. I've really been wanting one of these...

    That afternoon I began my photo shoot with it within minutes of the car showing up. Nothing special, just needed some of those "first day" shots for comparison down the road.

    I think the second or third day I removed the ugly US spec front bumper and changed the oil. Then came 2-3 weeks of sitting outside drinking fine craft brews just staring at the car for hours on end tossing around all sorts of ideas. There were lots of good ideas, but none set it apart enough from all the other incredible builds I've seen with this body style.

    So a somewhat rough concept has been conceived and work has begun. I won't be giving a full list of everything that WILL be happening, BUT I will be updating this thread with progress photos of every step along the way. There's no hiding this thing, I mean it's being built in a parking lot of all places.

    Last edited by dineno; 03-24-2015, 10:49 AM. Reason: Added more summary photos

  • #2


    • #3
      very noice


      • #4
        Literally thrilled to see where this ends up. I hope you aren't planning to put color on that awesomeness you've created.


        • #5
          absolutely love this body style. cant wait to see where this goes
          95 ucf20. static, flatbelly, 18x11 18x12.5 lots of camber.

          be my internet friend on the gram @thisisdalton


          • #6
            This looks like the perfect base to do something crazy. I'm sure your apartment complex was thrilled about the stripped paint.

            I don't know what it is, but in the last picture the car look very...avionic. Like a car version of the Enola Gay or something. Just about to drop a nuke on someone.


            • #7

              looks good, I've been too pussy to paint strip mine, but with a planned respray coming down the line i will start stripping each panel individually

              Love this tho, you got balls bro!
              Mercedes abuse.


              • #8
                Last pic is SICK.

                Can't wait to see where this goes.


                • #9
                  Amazed by the fact that it isn't a bog-mobile. Otherwise stripping it would cause nightmares..
                  Last edited by loekaaz; 10-28-2014, 04:45 AM.
                  Daily: 2004 Pontiac GTO. . . . . . . . . Daily Econobox: 2009 Mini Clubman Cooper
                  Originally posted by LCG
                  High 21! It's like a high 5 but includes both hands, both feet and a boner.


                  • #10
                    Yes. So much win.

                    Audi RS4PRA | VW Golf MKV GT-Y | Audi A1 SportBack


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by MercTastic View Post
                      Literally thrilled to see where this ends up. I hope you aren't planning to put color on that awesomeness you've created.
                      Absolutely not, I dont even think I plan to sand it down to a perfect brushed finish. I was really growing on the rough look as I started wet sanding.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by speakerboy View Post
                        This looks like the perfect base to do something crazy. I'm sure your apartment complex was thrilled about the stripped paint.

                        I don't know what it is, but in the last picture the car look very...avionic. Like a car version of the Enola Gay or something. Just about to drop a nuke on someone.
                        Yea I have 6 cars parked in that lot and work on each and every one of them in there. Only had 1 or 2 run ins with the tow truck drivers though who agreed to never tow anything out of there lol

                        You've certainly caught on to theme I ended up deciding on (avionic).


                        • #13
                          This could be cool. Of course I'm a bit biased. Interested to see what you do with it.
                          IG: ashtonlafleur


                          • #14
                            Interesting! I know you touched on it already, but why the wet sand? What were your plans from the beginning, bare metal/ brushed look over the whole car?
                            Instagram : @SHMVNY_GVNG


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by mikey G View Post
                              Interesting! I know you touched on it already, but why the wet sand? What were your plans from the beginning, bare metal/ brushed look over the whole car?
                              He said an avionic look, so I'm imagining like a roughened up old fighter plane with the bare metal/bullet holes/shark teeth/etc. idk if that's where he's going, just an opinion.

                              Should be killer.
                              1978 Mercedes-Benz W123 300D "Sabine"

                              Rest of Benz fam.
                              1980 Mercedes-Benz W123 300CD (brothers)
                              1994 Mercedes-Benz W124 500E (dads)
                              1998 Mercedes-Benz W196 ML320 (moms)

                              instagram: chucky332

