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FC RX7 5.0 race car thread

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  • You sir, not only have a dope build going, but you're platform of choice is as underrated as your music choice. Great album picks.


    • nice update, i like the placement of the ECU, are you taking out the heater core altogether?


      • Originally posted by RedRyan View Post
        You sir, not only have a dope build going, but you're platform of choice is as underrated as your music choice. Great album picks.
        Thanks man!

        Originally posted by LaMaR- View Post
        nice update, i like the placement of the ECU, are you taking out the heater core altogether?
        Haha threw the heater core out a looong time ago.

        87 RX7 5.0 (driftcar)


        • I don't know if I overlooked it, but have you had a chance to test out the Miata slave cylinder? You're keeping the stock FC clutch master right? Definitely asking this for the sake of helping myself

          I'm jealous that you're willing to go without a heater, I feel the need to keep mine and there's a lot of wiring for that stupid HVAC system. I can't believe all the flaps in the heater system are motorized for a late 80s 04 WRX even uses cables for the flaps!


          • Originally posted by Zach Thomas View Post
            I don't know if I overlooked it, but have you had a chance to test out the Miata slave cylinder? You're keeping the stock FC clutch master right? Definitely asking this for the sake of helping myself

            I'm jealous that you're willing to go without a heater, I feel the need to keep mine and there's a lot of wiring for that stupid HVAC system. I can't believe all the flaps in the heater system are motorized for a late 80s 04 WRX even uses cables for the flaps!
            No I haven't played with the slave using the pedals. And no I'm not using the FC's master, I have that reverse swing set to use

            Ya gotta love that 80's japanese tech! FC has a lot of surprising things for its age.

            but this is a track car for me, I can wear a jacket if need be lol. It won't see much use when a heater is truly needed

            87 RX7 5.0 (driftcar)


            • so these guys have been around for a while, but this latest album is really making waves around BC anyway

              Arctic Monkey's older stuff was always kinda hit and miss for me, but this album is basically gold through and through.
              Wich I was able to see them when they were in town a little while back, but I wasn't able to afford it lol #becauseracecar

              filled in the key holes myself, was going to let a pro do it, but yolo



              it worked with mixed success, its gonna need filler/bondo. But I really don't care for show car quality paint or anything, its too stressful lol.


              cut that little bend off the front wheel area 1: tire clearance, to truly gain more I'll probably have to channel the frame however. 2: give the sway bar more room


              which I moved really far forward. not sure how much tire clearance I'm limiting by doing this yet, but chances are I'll run no bar for drift events anyway. welded 2 bolts to a plate and then welded the whole thing to the car. Easier said than done for me and my lack of welding skillzzz

              bought more thingssss!!


              bus bars, bulkhead pass throughs.

              they go like this


              one for the alternator, one for the starter.

              helped a buddy pull a clock spring for his Honda, and while we were there I grabbed some small pieces that I had either, lost, thrown out by accident, or never had.


              will be painting the grey black with the dash etc

              then I got a little carried away


              took all the wiring I have, laid out what was important and proceeded to strip back all the loom from it. I will be cutting/de-pinning everything I don't need (which haha is most of it) then get the car running and loom it shortly after that. Just in case theres something I missed or want to add.


              but man there was a lot of junk...


              and now for the sunroof..

              heres what I came up with


              the tabs on the back overhang in the car, so you just place the back in first on the little lip


              then (mock up photo) pin the front.


              you can't take it off without having access to the inside of the car, it seals in a similar way to the factory mech, and its waaay lighter/simpler.

              probably not daily friendly at this point, I don't know for sure it doesn't leak yet... but according to the PO it leaked anyway.

              then just today I stripped, cleaned and painted my subframes. not the most fun afternoon but soooo worth is


              gloss black is my new favourite colour

              I hope to buy paint and plastic this week and lay some rust proofing (aka paint) on the car this next week.

              87 RX7 5.0 (driftcar)


              • Lol completely overlooked your pedal setup I had it in my head you were using the stock master so I didn't even look at the pedals, oops.

                I loved Arctic Monkeys' first album, their second and third were eh. I haven't listened to them in forever, didn't even realize they had a 4th and 5th album. Time to give those a listen.

                I need to pick up those exact dash pieces as well, there's a local junkyard with a base model S4 that I think still has them. The sunroof looks good, I'm curious to see how it works out! I'm the whiner that still wants a semi-streetable car since I've never even driven on a track and have no idea if I'll even like it

                Cars looking good overall and the subframe parts look great!


                • teaser:

                  87 RX7 5.0 (driftcar)


                  • Rattlebombing the whole car or....?


                    • Still looking good, I wish I know more about wiring I would love to rewire my entire car, currently my dash and turn signals don't work. Time to learn lol


                      • Originally posted by Zach Thomas View Post
                        Rattlebombing the whole car or....?
                        nope, well almost.
                        cage, engine bay, interior, and underside. basically everywhere I welded and where paint was remove, but I'll be keeping the factory paint intact as its a good base for the 'dip

                        Originally posted by LaMaR- View Post
                        Still looking good, I wish I know more about wiring I would love to rewire my entire car, currently my dash and turn signals don't work. Time to learn lol
                        chances are its a bad solder joint in the switch, these cars are notorious for those going bad.
                        great time to learn though, very useful skill

                        87 RX7 5.0 (driftcar)


                        • Originally posted by LaMaR- View Post
                          Still looking good, I wish I know more about wiring I would love to rewire my entire car, currently my dash and turn signals don't work. Time to learn lol
                          RX7 FSM. Get to reading The wiring diagrams aren't too bad to learn, after a little bit of studying.

                          So is it all painted yet?


                          • Originally posted by Zach Thomas View Post
                            RX7 FSM. Get to reading The wiring diagrams aren't too bad to learn, after a little bit of studying.

                            So is it all painted yet?
                            wow! what a find that site is thanx! thats gonna save me so much time with the body harness. its like the for RX7's

                            and ask and you shall receive:

                            this week (ya week) was all Kings Of Leon. They came to town a short while go and I saw them with some friends, man what a good show. I basically love everything after AKA Shake Heartbreak (still not sure what I think of that album and the one before it) so I was rocking out while sniffing paint fumes.

                            so first things first, rolled the car outside; well okay I took apart my engine stand to make a dolly and the wheels were getting stuck on the gravel even after I layer roofing tiles to smooth it out. So I grabbed my dads truck and pulled it outside haha. Then degreased and pressure washed the whole thing yet again. oh and this was after taking a wire wheel to everything just to make sure there was no surface rust or anything.


                            then spent a late evening scrubbing the entire thing with acetone (or "ace-tone" as sean kept calling it) shoutout to alex and sean for getting high on paint fumes for/with me!


                            then built the "booth" and put the car in it


                            (apologies for iPhone pic)

                            my lens isn't wide enough for a decent shot of the inside but you get it..


                            my paint preheater system. better known as warm water in a bucket.


                            The weather played nice too, didn't rain this week, humidity was low enough. No super strong wind. I waited till late afternoon/evening to paint when the air is warmest. Kept a heater in the booth over night as well, to let the paint cure quicker.

                            now I didn't take many pics, the dust level inside was crazy. I was doing my best to vent it with the door but I didn't want to risk my camera.
                            primer dust too is the worst


                            and I ended up need close to double what I started with for paint


                            I used:

                            4 cans of primer for Engine bay and seams around car
                            4.5 cans (had a 1/2 leftover from before) for the underside/wheel wells and back.
                            4 cans for the roll cage. turns out round is hard to paint.
                            5 cans for engine bay
                            8 cans for interior
                            2 cans of this:


                            did light coats of bed liner in the wheel wells, underside and floor of the interior. Turned out awesome, my buddy did this in his jeep in place of carpet. looks really cool, is super tough and masks over spray etc. Did the wheel wells to hopefully prevent rock chips.

                            I'm also amazed it only took 2 cans to do all of that


                            so sometime later

                            oh and disclaimer: I took these right after I pulled the booth down, so there was a decent amount of dust everywhere and on everything. So if a spot looks bare or oversprayed its probably dust. coverage was pretty good on everything.




                            roll cage was a huge ordeal to mask so I could paint the interior...








                            did all the areas that after its plastidipped won't be covered in dip. door jams behind bumpers etc



                            with basically 0 regard for overspray lol


                            Overall I'm happy with it for spray cans. The cage is a bit rough, the spray pattern on the cans makes it really hard to not have it run. but its rust proof and the whole thing cost me maybe $250 in paints and supplies. now I just gotta wait a week for the paint to fully cure and then start putting everything back together. As of this weekend I'm 2 months away from my goal of driving it to my buddy's wedding.

                            Gonna have to fill the time while I wait this week with small things, still have a diff to clean and a bunch of small stuff to paint.

                            87 RX7 5.0 (driftcar)


                            • Damn, keeping it moving right along. Good job!


                              • You make me want to find my old FC. Keep up the great work, can't wait to see this runnng.
                                IG: jmessler91

