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About Schmidt...

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  • About Schmidt...

    Hi Stance|Works,

    My name is Dominic, i joint the forum because of my other (actual poject) car,
    but that's another story...
    I got this one for winter use, as my vert woun't see snow and salt anymore.

    I somehow blew the headgasket on the vert, now its stored.., untill
    i find motivation to work on it...

    Enough blah blah.., actually that's car:

    Its a 1994 Opel Omega A CarAVan i call Schmidt, don't know why...
    I'm the fourth owner, the first was an old couple, second one was the owner
    of a bodyshop, the third was in a motorcycle gang from north germany.
    And now i own it...

    It's doesn't has much in it from factory...

    - Electric windows (only front)
    - Electric mirrors
    - Glas sunroof
    - Foglights
    - Roof rails

    And beeing 20+ years old it has some faults...

    - Rust
    - Engine leaks
    - Transmision leaks
    - Fucked up differential
    - Almost completely broken radio
    - Stuff i'm forgetting

    I plan to keep the car, like forever, so i'm slowly repalceing and/or upgradeing stuff,
    Process will be slow because i'm lazy...

    P1010795 by Dominic ., auf Flickr

    P1010804 by Dominic ., auf Flickr

    P1010797 by Dominic ., auf Flickr

    P1010808 by Dominic ., auf Flickr

    P1010839 by Dominic ., auf Flickr

    P1010827 by Dominic ., auf Flickr

    P1010836 by Dominic ., auf Flickr

    P1010819 by Dominic ., auf Flickr

    Next things to come is, and you gonna kill me, a roofrack but not such a crappy selfmade
    wooden thingi, but it's from the fifties, my grandparents used to have a Beetle back then
    and that rack is layin' around in their basement about 40 years now, so i gonna mount
    it on the Omega, and i picked up some nice original rims for real cheap, maybe i paint

    So that's all for now.., tell me what you think.

    Greetings Domi
    Last edited by OrangeBlue; 08-14-2017, 05:22 PM. Reason: Not workin' pics...

  • #2
    Pics are broken, need login to see them. Host them on a public server.


    • #3
      Hope they work now!


      • #4
        Originally posted by OrangeBlue View Post
        Hope they work now!
        only one works now


        • #5
          Sooo, how about now?


          • #6
            This time the pics should work from the beginning...

            Nothing major happened just took some pics.

            P1010926 by Dominic ., auf Flickr

            P1010917 by Dominic ., auf Flickr

            P1010895 by Dominic ., auf Flickr

            P1010928 by Dominic ., auf Flickr

            Let me know what you think...

            Last edited by OrangeBlue; 08-14-2017, 04:27 PM.


            • #7
              Bringing this back form the grave to keep me motivated...

              Picked up some nice BMW M wheels today, the fornt gonna be a little weak with 17x7.5 ET20
              but the rear should look pretty sweet with 17x9 ET-12 .

              Ordering adapters now, maybe test fit them next week...
              I'll put some pics on here tomorrow...

              Last edited by OrangeBlue; 05-03-2014, 03:55 PM.


              • #8
                z3 wheels? I hope so



                • #9
                  ***Pics got lost while switching hosts***

                  Originally posted by joshg51 View Post
                  z3 wheels? I hope so

                  So, here they are...

                  Bad grey rattle can paint, or at least 3 of them.., tires are trash...
                  But the price was right and they weren't to far away so...

                  Did some cleaning.



                  Not to bad for 10 min. of work...

                  Gonna use 20mm H&R adapters all around, which makes the fronts 17x7,5 ET21 with
                  205/40 and the rears 17x9 ET-12 with 225/45.

                  Shouln't look to bad i think

                  Depending on the fitment i get some shorter springs next month.

                  And oh, this is a pic of the roof rack i mentioned in the first post...

                  Had it on for a month, but it killed the poor mpg even more, it hangs on my
                  garagewall now...
                  Last edited by OrangeBlue; 08-14-2017, 05:21 PM.


                  • #10
                    goodluck man!


                    • #11
                      Those zip ties on the roof-rack....



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by willis View Post
                        Those zip ties on the roof-rack....


                        YEAH, I KNOW RIGHT.

                        I APOLIGIZE FOR THAT!

                        I just want to fit in and make new friends.


                        • #13
                          Adapters finally showed up...20mm 5x110 to 5x120
                          Very good quality very light, highly recommended.

                          P1010258_zpsf0fa8da1 by Dominic ., auf Flickr

                          Picked up a second set M Roadsters with oem finish, they have new tires... wasn't
                          satisfied with the first set...

                          P1010260_zps9c4b0c0b by Dominic ., auf Flickr

                          Saturday morning i'll wash the car then test fit some rims i
                          happen to have lying around
                          Last edited by OrangeBlue; 08-14-2017, 04:21 PM.


                          • #14
                            Here is what it gonna look like...
                            P1010271_zps75a1afe3 by Dominic ., auf Flickr

                            Unfortunately my torque wrench took a dump on me, new one is on the way.
                            So i could only test the fronts.., but they sit flush with the fender..,
                            let's hope the rear fits as good as the front...

                            Tried these as well, for the lolz
                            17" breyton
                            P1010268_zpsd1c65515 by Dominic ., auf Flickr
                            18" borbets
                            P1010269_zps1b5cd5ed by Dominic ., auf Flickr

                            Trying to find coils and some nice things atm
                            but the aftermarket for the wagon sucks...
                            Last edited by OrangeBlue; 08-14-2017, 04:23 PM.


                            • #15
                              Hahaha geil!
                              Ich erkenne meine alten Felgen.
                              Hätte jetzt echt nicht gedacht, dass du die auf den Opel schrauben willst.
                              Kommt bestimmt geil! Viel Erfolg!

