
Follow us on Instagram and Facebook!
@Raceworz @RaceworzUSA #Raceworz #Raceworz2017
REGISTER NOW AT: Tickets.TheFOAT.com/Raceworz/
Use this coupon code for $3 off your car registration and spectator tickets: “ FORUM3 “
We are happy to announce Raceworz Fontana Car Show and Drag Race event!
We have thrown many successful events at Sacramento Raceway Drag Strip in Nor-Cal, and we have expanded to Southern California to share the experience with the LA area and beyond!
This event is on May 6th, 9:00am to 7:30pm,
being held at Auto Club Speedway in Fontana, CA!!
>>Prices are as follows:

(all prices listed above are $5 more at the gate on May 6th)
(all car registration tickets admit one person, one vehicle and one truck/trailer pit parking pass if needed)
We will have similar activities going on throughout the day this year, similar to our previous events!
Activities at Raceworz Fontana include:
>Car Show Competition
>Drag Race Competition
>Drag Race Fun Runs/Test-n-Tune
>Car Audio Competition
>Vendor Row
>Big Main Stage
>Car Limbo
>AWD Mobile DYNO
We are proud to announce the addition of the KUYA Model Lounge, hosted by KUYA Protection!
Big Abe and KUYA Kreationz will be coming to Auto Club Speedway on May 6th, and will be hosting some of the top Import models in the industry!
The CAR SHOW this year will have:
-Non-Competition ($40 pre-sale)
-Competition ($55 pre-sale)
--Those who register for the Car Show Competition will be officially judged by the International Tuning Standard Judging Team, from LA.
--All Prices will be $5 more on the day of!
Car Show Classes:

Raceworz Trophies From previous years: (this year’s will be similar)

Drag Racing Categories include the following Classes:

Follow us on Instagram and Facebook!
@Raceworz @RaceworzUSA #Raceworz #Raceworz2017
REGISTER NOW AT: Tickets.TheFOAT.com/Raceworz/
Use this coupon code for $3 off your car registration and spectator tickets: “ FORUM3 “
We are happy to announce Raceworz Fontana Car Show and Drag Race event!
We have thrown many successful events at Sacramento Raceway Drag Strip in Nor-Cal, and we have expanded to Southern California to share the experience with the LA area and beyond!
This event is on May 6th, 9:00am to 7:30pm,
being held at Auto Club Speedway in Fontana, CA!!
>>Prices are as follows:

(all prices listed above are $5 more at the gate on May 6th)
(all car registration tickets admit one person, one vehicle and one truck/trailer pit parking pass if needed)
We will have similar activities going on throughout the day this year, similar to our previous events!
Activities at Raceworz Fontana include:
>Car Show Competition
>Drag Race Competition
>Drag Race Fun Runs/Test-n-Tune
>Car Audio Competition
>Vendor Row
>Big Main Stage
>Car Limbo
>AWD Mobile DYNO
We are proud to announce the addition of the KUYA Model Lounge, hosted by KUYA Protection!
Big Abe and KUYA Kreationz will be coming to Auto Club Speedway on May 6th, and will be hosting some of the top Import models in the industry!
The CAR SHOW this year will have:
-Non-Competition ($40 pre-sale)
-Competition ($55 pre-sale)
--Those who register for the Car Show Competition will be officially judged by the International Tuning Standard Judging Team, from LA.
--All Prices will be $5 more on the day of!
Car Show Classes:

Raceworz Trophies From previous years: (this year’s will be similar)

Drag Racing Categories include the following Classes: