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UK Random Thread

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  • I might be getting a civic shortly Only one thing holding me back..fwd


    • Replacing the BMW?

      Which Civic


      • No way, second car/speed bump jumper, will lower it enough to get over them ...just. I'm giving my work car back so need something that will go everywhere. 90 sedan


        • Ohhhh, so you don't daily drive yours. That makes me sad slightly.


          • Haha I knew that would come up. I did until November last year but choose to take the company car so I could drive it to Poland for christmas, I do drive it at least one day to work and always in the weekends...street cred nooooooooo!

            It's more about having a car that can go anywhere when I need it to as I have the girl and bebe boy so often am driving in cunty places


            • You aren't selling it to me, but its not kept in a garage 6/7 days so its near enough... but didn't realise you had a whole family here. Probably should have realised when there is pics of you with your boy on Facebook hah.


              • Originally posted by Jorge View Post
                You sold it to me, it's enough

                So you gonna get your car drifting in the weekend?


                • Originally posted by Jorge View Post
                  Not Nates wheels anymore though are they
                  the fuck? you havent..?!
                  Education - Knowledge - Power
                  insta: @stinkinrich


                  • Nah not me. Selling up from the BMW. Just word on the grape vine and all that.


                    • Courier rant.

                      So yesterday I ordered 5 packages, along with 2 I ordered on Sunday. It is now Thursday and out of these 7, 5 have been delivered. One which hasn't is only standard post so wasn't expecting that until Sat/Mon anyway, but I ordered 2 tyres from, they were shown as in stock. Rang Tuesday to ask why my order wasn't processed, 'had to order 2 in for you, guarantee they will arrive on Thursday', ring again today, 'yeah they were collected yesterday, here is the consignment number', so I check UK Mails website. Nothing, not even collected. So I ring UK Mail, they say nothings even been collected, and magically at 3pm they turn up in their warehouse in Basildon. Now what fucking use is that. I need the 2 fucking tyres for Saturday. They are going to move them to Derby tonight, and the depot is about 30seconds from my house but apparently it is unmanned all night and not open til Saturday morning which is too late. So Royal Mail, DPD, Citylink and even DHL have managed to receive an order yesterday, and get it delivered out today or next day, yet UK Mail are such fucking idiotic cunts theirs hasn't even left Essex yet. Wankers. Total fucking pricks. Shame the girl I just rang at the Derby depot sounded hot otherwise she'd have got an earful. It is now rearranged for delivery on Tuesday. Not happy now. So going to play with my new snow foam lance.

                      Fucking couriers. Useless pricks the lot of them.



                      • Wered all the sun go, came out of work at half 7 and it was cloudy


                        • just wandered in here to say that last night i was in tears

                          with laughter when watching Michael McIntyre: hello wembley

                          this is a must see


                          • Hell yeah, I find that dude just funny to look at


                            • when he does his chinese person impression (well he just closes eyes) haha


                              • He is comedy gold. He could say anything and it would be funny with his hair.

