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  • ahuh, I haz mig welder. Ive welded up my old landys and countless dubs.
    Education - Knowledge - Power
    insta: @stinkinrich


    • Coilovers for the silvia?

      I also need the little door hinge bit touched up, the part that stops the door swinging 180

      I know nothing about what can be done or mig/tig whatevers but soo keen to learn


      • It has easily enough room to go that low, but i cant because of the exhaust manifold being lower than the rear bumper, and i alreadyclump that.


        • Straight through .5 inch ftw!ololol


          • [ame=""][/ame]

            Is it me or have they made this song remotely listenable? I swear he can sing better than that fucking Adele woman.

            Why did I find out 2 days after that I could have got free tickets, all I had to do was walk around with a Martin Audio shirt praying the audio worked..

            Originally posted by driftsucky
            If that car was at a bar, I'd buy it a drink and try to seduce it. Then, we I got it home, I'd cook breakfast for it in the morning. After it told me it's sob story of falling on hard times, I'd offer to lend it a few quid(c wut i did thar) for rent money. I'd probably buy it's daughter a few outfits for school as well. Eventually, I'd take it to a family pic of mine and introduce it to everyone. We'd date for a while until a nice G35 came around and enticed me with the leather seats and navigation that I would never even use anyway. I'd end up breaking that tegs heart and it would walk on me. THAT'S how much I love this car.


            • Originally posted by Anonymoose View Post
              Coilovers for the silvia?

              I also need the little door hinge bit touched up, the part that stops the door swinging 180

              I know nothing about what can be done or mig/tig whatevers but soo keen to learn
              Coilovers as in new hub bottoms? What needs doing? Pics could be neat.

              Hinge sounds piss. Always happy to help man.
              Education - Knowledge - Power
              insta: @stinkinrich


              • Well I'm down at the end of the month Door hinge party?

                Coils as in sleeves onto my standard beasties, or maybe just shortening them, not sure on how to go about it though, would have to do some reading


                • Dude, listen to the Kassidy version of Rolling In The Deep, so much better than the original imo



                  • So, looks like Jorge has been locked up?..
                    Education - Knowledge - Power
                    insta: @stinkinrich


                    • What was he on about anyway? Did he actually go to court? At least his car sold so he can pay some fines off

                      Hey, what about this hinge party eh..


                      • I saw on fb he was suited and booted.

                        Yh welding, how desperate is the work? Probably gonna be sept till i'll have a free weekend man, moved house this week and all it hands on deck to sort various tasks out there. Need to look into the strut mod more too, im unsure if my mig will be man enough for a decent, strong weld for a substancial part of the car. Might be fine.

                        Oh ive just bought an A4 avant
                        Education - Knowledge - Power
                        insta: @stinkinrich


                        • Yeah will definitely read up more and find out exactly what needs to happen for the coil conversion, I've found some kits but just gotta measure everything up to make sure it'll work then find some springs etc. Won't be for a while but I'm gonna cut the spare springs I have and roll the spare front struts I have until they blow then get shit sorted and use the other good ones for MOT next year whenever it is

                          So you won't be free for some lols bank holiday weekend cunty?

                          SICK on the wagon status!


                          • Ive not got a clue what the fuck im doing. Ill be showing my face, but when or where i cant say.
                            Education - Knowledge - Power
                            insta: @stinkinrich


                            • I can tell you...during booze drinking time


                              • Youre a bad influence Mr Tauroroaroaroroaa.
                                Education - Knowledge - Power
                                insta: @stinkinrich

