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  • Originally posted by stinkinrich View Post
    @People with iPhones, do you have problems sending txts to Blackberrys? ie, they dont always receive the full txt..
    It comes through eventually, just takes ages.

    RIP Mate! Sorry to hear it


    • I've got a BB and never had problems not recieving parts of texts. BB's has message chat/thread thingee so it doesn't matter how long it is


      • Yeah mine says "Recieving text" at the end of a text for AGES sometimes.

        Mine also has a missing "O" key, the battery cover is permently off because it falls off so much. It freezes every hour, the Camera doesn't work, the two buttons on the top "Lock" and "Mute?" don't work. Today the trackpad stopped working too. Oh and the screen as a crack/smash in the middle where I smashed it repeatedly against a table in a strip club.

        I can't believe I went from iPhone 3G - Blackberry 9700. Huge downgrade, I can officially say it's the worst phone I have ever owned, build quality is just dreadful and the software is a joke. Next month I'll be getting the contract down to pittance and taking out another contract with an iPhone 4. Can't wait for the 5 now I have what can be barely excused as a phone.


        • You have keys? pfft I aint talking to you no more. *strokes touch screen*


          • Blackberry touch screens are worse than Aids. Plus the software on Storms are indescribably bad.

            iPhones > all. Other companies should just give up, I'm not Apple fan boy (although I have a MacBook too) I just find it ridiculously better than the rest. Price tag to match, though.


            • Jason_E = iFanboy

              Don't have issues with my screen and porn plays pretty good so I'm happy Although I always wanted an mac air or whatever they're called


              • As pointless as they probably are, i really do want an iPad2. Had a gander in the Apple store and was like dayummm, i dont know what id use it for but i want it!
                Education - Knowledge - Power
                insta: @stinkinrich


                • haha same! They're so cheap too


                  • You sure? aha. You can get them free with certain phone contracts, only t-mobile do it i think. The mrs is due a new contract so might be a good oppurtinity. I said ill chip in on the bills so its both ours.
                    Education - Knowledge - Power
                    insta: @stinkinrich


                    • around 400's a lot better than the usual apple shtuff. So when are you two tying the knot again?


                      • Pulled the battery 7 times... Now the trackpad works again.

                        FUCK YEEAHHHH! Electrical genius mo'fo'.


                        • -SW|UK-
                          Education - Knowledge - Power
                          insta: @stinkinrich


                          • Haaaayden, did you meet that guy?

                            Yeah, HTCs suck, I'm really looking into getting an iPhone to replace it, playing up really badly. Was hoping for a new one so I could get a 4 for pence.


                            • Mid to late September for the iPhone 5.


                              • ipad 2 = win. made my 1967 model year ibm redundant,

