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Hola, Stance|Works !

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  • Hola, Stance|Works !

    What's up guys? Wait, is that a good enough intro? I'm so pumped right now it's not even funny! Anyway, so I've been lurking on here for a while now but today I'm finally coming out of the wood-works. That's how the expression goes, right? *whatever* So yeah, I'm extra pumped because now I finally feel I can start on the road to becoming part of the stance-works family, "LOW&SLOW."

    About two weeks ago, I picked up a '93 Volvo 240 and hopefully in the next month or so I can have it low, hopefully draggin' frame. Before the Volvo I was driving around a 2006 Chrysler 300. I still want get the Chrysler lowered a bit and have it on that "low low" status, but the Volvo is my name concern as for right now. Anyway, I think I'mma head off now before I offend anyone with my eccentric paragraphs.

    Peace ya'll.

    P.S. - I hardly consider myself mechanically inclined. I kinda just bought the Volvo 240 for $500, picked up a socket set, few wrenches & got to work. I've spent the better part of the day bleeding my brakes and such. So, with that said, I'll probably need a lot of guidance and mentoring. If anyone is willing to help me & throw some advice from time to time, that'd be greatly appreciated!
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