Das Ziel: A Trailer for the Ultimate Porsche 911 Drive

Earlier this summer, our friends Kris Clewell and Alex Nelson made the trip from Minnesota to California for the famous Monterey Car Week – a trip worth making for anyone with fuel coursing through their veins. However, Kris and Alex had more on the books than a mere week-long adventure to California. Lugging their camera gear with them aboard their flight west, they were met by Kris’s own 911T on Californian soil, shipped to the SW HQ a few weeks prior. Equipped with the gear they’ve built their talents on, they set out for one hell of a drive home: more than 2,600 miles and 46 hours behind the wheel, all in the name of enjoying a 911 in the way its mean to be enjoyed. Here’s the trailer for the film to come.



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