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Freshly fitted Mazdaspeed3

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  • Mk3VR
    Last edited by Mk3VR; 03-13-2013, 01:36 PM.

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  • nvrlft
    Yeah nice.

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  • Mk3VR
    A few new pictures, added 5mm spacers to the rear. Probably going to put them up front and get 10s for the rears.

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  • steve_perry
    you should totally get like accuair bagyard stuff and some sick ccws or grids. i havent seen that on ANY car yet

    mkV eater ftw

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  • Mk3VR
    Thanks for the compliments and suggestions, rep wheels were just what was in the budget for now. Needless to say, I'm happy with the way it turned out overall

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  • Shade
    Do you think it's cool for companies to make fake Loius Vouitton, Air Jordans, etc..? Rep wheels are just knock-offs of the real, better quality wheel. Don't get me wrong, I had Rotas back a few years ago, but after getting a few sets of Mugens, I will NEVER go back to any replica. They just make the car seem cheap to me.. But that's just my opinion.

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  • staytuned05
    Originally posted by Jesus Christ View Post
    Legit style wheels on my Altima

    It's never OK to support the replica/fake market, you are very misinformed and should do some research before speaking so boldly.
    ive been on here for quite a while, lemme re-state my point. i never support knockoff companies for replicating a popular wheel, or anything of that matter. but when someone comes along who cant afford a real wheel (only reffering to expensive rare wheels like BBS RS, LMs, TE37s, some Works etc.) then they go for a style they like, real or not. like for instance, i LOVE the Work Emotion CRs, but Rota makes the Torque which looks identical. now i would never rock Rotas claming their real Works, but i like the design, and if it fits right and looks good, whats the harm? thats all im saying.

    and when i say legit style wheels, i wasnt reffering to fake wheels ive had. i had a set of replica Volks that everyone liked, they looked and fit great. i had a set of 20" wheels that i found out later were Tenzo reps, but i didnt care cause they looked great and were good auality, looked classy. with my Altima, i tried the tuner thing, classy thing, and whatever it aint the greatest car to stance out and i never had it perfectly flush or stanced but all im saying is i just dont like seeing people bash someone for having reps. thats all, i was relaxed when i wrote that earlier lol and im relaxed now. i barely post on here and felt i had to, no disrespect to anyone!

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  • Ollie
    classy legit style wheels is the best name for reps Ive ever heard

    No ones forcing anyone not to buy reps. People are just stating their opinions and offering suggestions. Relax

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  • Jesus Christ
    Originally posted by staytuned05 View Post
    FUCK H8TERS OF FAKE WHEELS. some of us without show cars would never pay $4000 or more for a set especially on a daily driver. my car aint stanced, but ive had at least 7 sets of classy legit style wheels on my Altima from 18s to 20s, none ghetto, none cracked or bent on me, flaked or discolored or whatever. and all four wheels and tires USED ive craiglisted and never spent more than $750 on a set, personally. ive had real wheels too, but i cant stand it when people ** on fake wheels. oh well Privat is a legit brand, they just made a copy of those wheels. those look sick, and im happy for u dude that you can spend your leftover money on important shit, like other mods, ur girl, wife, house or whatever.
    Legit style wheels on my Altima

    It's never OK to support the replica/fake market, you are very misinformed and should do some research before speaking so boldly.
    Last edited by Jesus Christ; 03-17-2012, 08:08 PM.

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  • staytuned05
    FUCK H8TERS OF FAKE WHEELS. some of us without show cars would never pay $4000 or more for a set especially on a daily driver. my car aint stanced, but ive had at least 7 sets of classy legit style wheels on my Altima from 18s to 20s, none ghetto, none cracked or bent on me, flaked or discolored or whatever. and all four wheels and tires USED ive craiglisted and never spent more than $750 on a set, personally. ive had real wheels too, but i cant stand it when people ** on fake wheels. oh well Privat is a legit brand, they just made a copy of those wheels. those look sick, and im happy for u dude that you can spend your leftover money on important shit, like other mods, ur girl, wife, house or whatever.

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    Originally posted by animal View Post
    its a start.. sorta h8r for replica wheels. whatever floats ur boat!
    This. I'd prefer some proper wheels. Save up some cash and get some or Rock OEM wheels off of another car. Also these look great on bmw style 95s which are
    BMW wheels.

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  • Mattphi
    Fake wheels make the car look meh

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  • animal
    its a start.. sorta h8r for replica wheels. whatever floats ur boat!

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  • WhiteStripes
    That's pretty damn clean man. Me likey.

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  • z50_Jumper
    Want one. Not my first choice of wheels but you did alright.

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