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Truck stuff and things

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  • Truck stuff and things

    whats up guys! starting a new build thread because i sold my car a couple weeks ago

    this thing...

    i bought a house late last year and the car became very impractical. i was paying to much and couldnt do half the projects around the house that i wanted to. so i went back to my old redneck ways and picked this thing up

    1995 4.3l, 5 speed, 2wd s10

    its about as fast as a turtle. but it is rust free from texas and supposedly only has 110k on it. it needs an axle because 3.08 gears suck dick, and a lot of other small stuff like interior plastic and exhaust.

    this past weekend i got a ricey grant steering wheel. already installed, stock one was fall apart and this was $35. may dye the red later

    next i received my wheels so i had to test fit. they should be mounted this friday

    then i did some cutting and installed my rear blocks. just a heads up, sawzalls suck for cutting through coils

    so now the truck is lowered 2/3. front appears a bit higher so i may cut another half coil and go 3/3 this weekend. im just waiting to mount wheels so i can more easily measure the gap to top of fender.

    i do have plans to go lower in the future, thinking somewhere around 4/5 on 17 or 18's
    Last edited by storey618; 06-30-2017, 04:40 PM.

    Originally posted by BozoBubble
    Stance bug bites hard, man, you ain't gonna shake it.

    Truck Build

    Instagram: somestancekid

  • #2
    I've always wondered what you could do to an S10 (right?) Can't wait to see what the rims look like on this thing!
    Whatever path you take to get to your automotive nirvana is the right path, everyone’s path is different. If more people liked cars because they are cars—not because they are a way to get attention or to way to be better than someone else—then I think the automotive world would be a better place. -benmassey

    Build Thread:


    • #3
      That sweet pupper! Its sad you got rid of the b6 after the Work you put in, but owning a b6 I understand what you mena by paying too much and beign inpratical. Havé fun witz your new truck!


      • #4
        I was wondering where the A4 updates had gone...

        And happy to see another lowered truck build, and from someone who updates frequently! All of the builds seem to die out on them...


        • #5
          Misread the title at first and thought it said "track stuff and things" and I was surprised when I saw a grant steering wheel and cut coils lmao. Cute puppy though

          Originally posted by Stupid Kid
          I need the weed in advance i can't ride my bmx across the ocean unless im high


          • #6
            Originally posted by CDeez5 View Post
            I've always wondered what you could do to an S10 (right?) Can't wait to see what the rims look like on this thing!
            yes it is an s10, theres a guy that used to be on here really frequently named fackinsteve and his was proper. mines fairly rachet at the moment lol

            Originally posted by Jailbird666 View Post
            That sweet pupper! Its sad you got rid of the b6 after the Work you put in, but owning a b6 I understand what you mena by paying too much and beign inpratical. Havé fun witz your new truck!
            it was also time for a new project. i was at the point where the only thing left for the audi was big turbo and i just didnt have the funds to give her what she needed lol

            Originally posted by Darkyoshi154 View Post
            I was wondering where the A4 updates had gone...

            And happy to see another lowered truck build, and from someone who updates frequently! All of the builds seem to die out on them...
            truck builds have always been my favorite thing on the forum, i know how much it sucks when they die out. hopefully i can continue to post! i have big plans for the truck, just need my life to get back in order and then i can start executing them

            Originally posted by 190Evan View Post
            Misread the title at first and thought it said "track stuff and things" and I was surprised when I saw a grant steering wheel and cut coils lmao. Cute puppy though
            sorry to disappoint lol someday i might make it to the track. i have visions of either autocross or drift type truck. just need to keep buying parts to get there.

            i dropped off my wheels and tires this morning, they probably will look a bit funky being so small. i had planned on using the tires that were on the truck but found out last night that 1 single tire was different from the rest in height. more pics of truck and puppy to come

            Originally posted by BozoBubble
            Stance bug bites hard, man, you ain't gonna shake it.

            Truck Build

            Instagram: somestancekid


            • #7
              yesterday i got the wheels mounted up. i would type and post more pictures but im hungover so this is what you guys get lol

              Last edited by storey618; 06-30-2017, 03:52 PM.

              Originally posted by BozoBubble
              Stance bug bites hard, man, you ain't gonna shake it.

              Truck Build

              Instagram: somestancekid


              • #8
                Sweet truck dude! S10s have a lot of potential, I could see this going in some very good directions. Sub'd.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by BozoBubble View Post
                  Sweet truck dude! S10s have a lot of potential, I could see this going in some very good directions. Sub'd.
                  thanks homie! its getting there

                  Originally posted by BozoBubble
                  Stance bug bites hard, man, you ain't gonna shake it.

                  Truck Build

                  Instagram: somestancekid


                  • #10
                    one more now that i dont feel like complete ass

                    Last edited by storey618; 06-30-2017, 03:53 PM.

                    Originally posted by BozoBubble
                    Stance bug bites hard, man, you ain't gonna shake it.

                    Truck Build

                    Instagram: somestancekid


                    • #11
                      spent most of the weekend recovering from my friday adventure which consisted of me nearly getting in a fight with a dude who i thought took my keys at a bar....they were in the car the whole time, i was just super drunk.

                      on the way there, a bit drunk

                      on the way back, blackout drunk

                      some more pics of the truck as of right now

                      Last edited by storey618; 06-30-2017, 04:41 PM.

                      Originally posted by BozoBubble
                      Stance bug bites hard, man, you ain't gonna shake it.

                      Truck Build

                      Instagram: somestancekid


                      • #12
                        a few pics from the past few days. last night i pulled the passenger side spring and cut off another 1/4 coil to try and fix the lean but somehow i just made it worse. think i may have put the spring in a little wrong. itll bounce itself into place eventually lol

                        Originally posted by BozoBubble
                        Stance bug bites hard, man, you ain't gonna shake it.

                        Truck Build

                        Instagram: somestancekid


                        • #13
                          That color looks so good on S10's

                          Originally posted by Stupid Kid
                          I need the weed in advance i can't ride my bmx across the ocean unless im high


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by 190Evan View Post
                            That color looks so good on S10's
                            i really ***** it at first but its starting to grow on me. its a very vintage kind of color.

                            Originally posted by BozoBubble
                            Stance bug bites hard, man, you ain't gonna shake it.

                            Truck Build

                            Instagram: somestancekid


                            • #15
                              so its national puppy day appartently. so i went a snapped a few pics of this guy this morning.

                              also took off the rear bumper because i ***** how it looked. so now i have that ghetto fab drift missile look going on lol
                              Last edited by storey618; 06-30-2017, 04:41 PM.

                              Originally posted by BozoBubble
                              Stance bug bites hard, man, you ain't gonna shake it.

                              Truck Build

                              Instagram: somestancekid

