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New: 02 Jetta GLS 1.8t

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  • New: 02 Jetta GLS 1.8t

    As of now the major upgrades are an f4 kit from frankenturbo & a few things have been deleted from the engine bay.

    It's been a nightmare so far.. Car wouldn't stay running, AC was cutting in and out. From what it was doing I thought crankshaft sensor & something wrong in the AC system. After installing a new sensor, nothing was fixed & air still was hot as fire. Took it to my buddy Sal because I was stumped. He found something rather depressing behind the cluster.. It's fixed now, thankfully. Someone decided it was a good idea to cut 30+ wires and twist them back together with some electrical tape for insulation. Why?

    After dealing with that I went through the newer car wash located across from Target on hwy 153, here in Chattanooga. Mid car wash and my passenger side mirror gets shafted. Luckily it didn't mess up the cover too bad. It did however snap the mirror off where it pivots. I epoxied the old one and through it on the other mk4 we have.. it'll survive. Also will be reporting my broken windshield to insurance for my free glass repair.

    From there I started getting the front end how I want it. Found a new emblem, some bumper grilles, took off the hideous front mount that WASN'T hooked up, and bought a factory front valence from Amazon. I wanted to run a 4mo valence.. but for 48$ I cannot complain with what I got. It was a pain in the neck to get the lip on, & sadly it's 'jerry' rigged all to hell. PO cut off the parts where the valence locks in ??? ??? ??? I knew I couldn't survive without a valence so I figured the best way around this was rivets.. It's on and you honestly can't tell unless I told you.. However, it still bothers me.

    That's all for now
