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Norway - BMW E46

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  • Norway - BMW E46

    Hi, new member from Norway here and I figured I should briefly introduce myself and my car.

    I turned 18 and got my drivers license about 5 months ago. Along with my drivers license I also got my first car! I spent countless hours every single day browsing and looking for the car I had in mind. After almost 2 months of searching and a lot of disappointments I found a BMW E46 Coupe which looked promising. It was a 320Ci Individual, year 2000 with about 130k miles. It was about a 4 hour drive, but I gave it a shot and the next day I went to check it out.

    When I first arrived at the owners house I was greeted by his friend. He was the one I had been in touch with and he was the one who did most of the maintenance on the car. He gave me a tour around the car and at first glance it looked pretty good! I took it for a test drive and I immediately knew that this was it, this was my first car, where my long awaited car journey would begin! When I got back from the test drive, I did one final check on the car and then proceeded to buy the car.

    I had a 4 hour drive to get back home, so I went to the closest gas station, got a full tank of fuel and a coffee. I literally sat in my newly purchased car, smiling like an idiot all the way back home. This was more than just a car to me, this was where it all began. I had waited my whole life to get my own car and now I finally had one! This was my canvas, this was where I could express myself as a car enthusiast.

    When I got back home, the first thing I did was to give the car a thorough clean, both on the inside and the outside. As I was cleaning the car it struck me that I might have just saved this car from being destroyed. The previous owner had really treated it like a shitty little car and there was a few really inappropriate modifications around the car. I really don't think the previous owner gave two shits about how the car looked or about the car at all.

    After buying the car, I still had some money left. The very night I bought the car was then I started ordering new parts, plan how I wanted it to become and so forth. I do attend school full-time, which means that I have a limited income. Please take this into consideration when looking at the rate of things being done. For the next few months, and to this date I have spent the vast majority of my income on parts for my car and we are now heading into the winter here in Norway. I will spend the winter saving up money for when the spring comes around. I have some really interesting plans for the car, but for now I have to get ready for the winter and slap some 16" rims on it and adjust the height up a bit.

    I will make a thread on this forum during the winter where I will look at what I have been doing so far to my car and preparing for the spring.

    It is worth adding that I have for the most part focused on getting it nice looking and stanced in the first few months of owning it. I do have great plans for the engine, but I will reveal more about those plans later. Also: Norway have insane taxes and fees on cars. The insurance is also very expensive. Therefore it is close to impossible for me as an 18 year old to have a huge engine, both as far as buying the car goes, but also insuring it. I do however have great plans for it as mentioned above.

    Thanks for reading through my introduction.

    Patrik /// 18 year old car enthusiast from Norway.

    Info about my car:
    BMW E46 320Ci Straight Six
    Year 2000
    About 140k miles
    Individual paint (Skarabsgruen Metallic)
    Individual interior (Soft Nappa: Ecru)
    Originally German, but imported to Norway in '05

    Here are some before/after photos of my car:

    In the first photos I had already installed coilovers and an M-tech2 front bumper.

    Last edited by patrikskauen; 10-19-2015, 05:18 PM.